Kathleen Robbins, 2017-2018
"The Kazakhstan Foundation for Cultural, Social and Educational Development is a non-profit organization operating in Almaty, Kazakhstan that aims to strengthen women' role in Kazakh society through social initiatives as well as skill-building training programs for young women. As an intern with the organization, I worked as the coordinator and administrator of a bi-weekly English Club for current students and alumni of the foundation's training programs. In addition, I assisted in the training center's main office, helping to design and plan leadership training curricula and offering additional administrative support. In this capacity, I was granted the opportunity to guest-lecture during one leadership training session. The internship gave me the opportunity to interact professionally with my colleagues as well as directly with the foundation's primary beneficiaries: young women. I not only developed my Russian language skills, but also cultural competency and a deep understanding of the unique societal issues faced by young women in Central Asia."

Taking the UCLA John Wooden Pyramid of Success and the CASEL Program to Almaty, from a guest lecture by Kathleen at the Казахстанский Фонд Культурного, Социального и Образовательного Развития.