Los Angeles, CA 90095
Participant Bios
On April 27, the UCLA Globalization Research Center-Africa (GRCA) in collaboration with the UCLA Center for Chinese Studies and the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) hosted a workshop on China-Africa relations.
"Rethinking Africa's 'China Factor': Identifying Players, Strategies, and Practices" offered a platform of discussion to critically engage the complex nature of China's renewed engagement in sub-Saharan Africa. In a cross-regional and interdisciplinary approach, the workshop intended to unpack notions of "China in Africa" which has reflected a view too easily limited only to China's resource diplomacy. These analyses were nuanced by focusing both on China's role in the larger international political economy to put its African engagement into perspective, both historically and today, and by considering African views on the multiple strategies and networks employed by Chinese state and non-state actors.
9:00 a.m. Coffee and Registration
9:15 Opening Remarks
Edmond Keller, UCLA Globalization Research Center-Africa
Yunxiang Yan, UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
9:30 Rethinking China’s Involvement in Africa
Ernest Wilson, University of Maryland
Framing the China-Africa Issue: What Do We Need to Know to Act Effectively?
Joshua Eisenman, American Foreign Policy Council
The Communist Party of China’s Ties to African Political Parties
Yunxiang Yan, University of California, Los Angeles
The Power of an Alternative: Implications of the Chinese Response to Globalization
Moderator and Commentator: Susan Shirk, Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation
11:00 Break
11:15 Chinese Business Ventures and African Development: Impacts and Implications of China’s Commercial and Investment Policies in Africa
Daniel Large, School of Oriental and African Studies
Chinese Business and African Development: Exploring 'Post-Conflict' Dimensions
Deborah Brautigam, American University
Can Chinese Investment Be a Catalyst for African Industrialization?
Sasha Gong, Solidarity Center, AFL-CIO
Chinese Workers in Africa: Working Conditions and Potential Conflicts
Moderator: Edmond Keller, University of California, Los Angeles
12:45pm Lunch (Bunche 10383)
2:00 African Perspectives on China’s Involvement in Africa
Margaret Lee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Uganda-China Relations in the 21st Century.
Nina Sylvanus, University of California, Los Angeles
“Chinese Devils?” Perceptions of the Chinese in Lomé's Central Market
Fantu Cheru, American University
Love at First Sight! or Confused Priorities: The Evolving China-Africa Relations
Moderator: Boatamo Mosupyoe, California State University Sacramento
3:30 Break
3:45 Beyond China: Emerging Economies of the Global South and their Africa Policies
Sanusha Naidu, Stellenbosch University
India’s African Relations: Playing Catch up With the Dragon
Wenran Jiang, University of Alberta
Comparing China's Engagement Strategies in Africa and Latin America
Yutaka Yoshino, World Bank
Africa-Asia Trade and Investment: Challenges and Opportunities for African Economies
Moderator: James Tong, University of California, Los Angeles
5:15 Closing Remarks
Nina Sylvanus, University of California, Los Angeles
Download file: China-in-Africa_Workshop_Bios.pdf