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The Life and Legacy of an Afghan Leader: Ahmed Shah Massoud

Central Asia Initiative Book Talk with Marcela Grad, author of "Massoud: An Intimate Portrait of the Legendary Afghan Leader"

Monday, April 6, 2009
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
10383 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

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A conversation with Marcela Grad, author of Massoud: An Intimate Portrait of the Legendary Afghan Leader, a collection of stories told by Afghans as well as others from East and West who accompanied Massoud in the long struggle to liberate Afghanistan from the Soviets and the Taliban. 

Hosted by Nushin Arbabzadah, Afghan journalist and visiting scholar with the Center for India and South Asia.

Massoud explores the life of the late Afghan leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, who struggled to liberate Afghanistan from the Soviet invasion and the Taliban. Many believe that his assassination on September 9, 2001, was ordered by Al-Qaeda to help clear the way for the attacks of September 11, 2001. These extraordinary stories offer rare insight into the being of a remarkable man whose stature has never been fully recognized in the West.

Marcela Grad is a writer and translator born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The stories in this book were collected by her during a period of three years in which she interviewed Afghans as well as people around the world who knew and accompanied Massoud in the long resistance against the Soviets and the Taliban.


Sponsor(s): Asia Pacific Center, Center for India and South Asia, Program on Central Asia