The Global Chinese Philanthropy Initiative (GCPI) is a unique bilateral research project that examines the contributions of Chinese and Chinese American philanthropists in the U.S. and Greater China. This study shows dramatic increases in charitable giving among both Chinese and Chinese American philanthropists. A combined analysis of Chinese and Chinese Americans allows for a focused review of related giving to similar causes, such as in higher education, health, and international giving. The combined approach also enables considerations of similar motives based on shared cultural and historical experiences as well as geographic proximity. Through academic and applied research, the initiative also examines the philanthropic ecosystems in both the United States and Greater China. The goal of GCPI is to stimulate and facilitate constructive dialogue among philanthropists, practitioners, researchers and policymakers in both the U.S. and Greater China, and ultimately, to create awareness and foster an environment for increased giving, effective institutions to strengthen communities and improve lives.
Through the lens of philanthropic history, Ruisheng Zhang (Beijing Normal University) will give a talk on the International Harvester Company (IHC)'s “philanthropic” cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture of ROC during the 1940's. Founded in 1902, the IHC was an American manufacturer of agricultural and construction equipment.
Thursday, May 15, 20255:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Pacific Time) Online Webinar
07/17/2018. Stewart Kwoh, a renowned American Chinese lawyer and civil rights advocate founded the nonprofit organization Asian Americans Advancing Justice in 1983. The organization is America's largest organization that focuses on protecting the legal and civil rights of Asian Americans. Yearly, it provides legal education and other services to over 15,000 Asian Americans. Stewart originally took up the torch as civil rights advocate in 1982 after an Asian American man was beaten to death by a white father and son. Ultimately, the two were sentenced to a mere 3 years probation along with a $3000 fine, which prompted widespread anger and protests by Asian American groups. Stewart offered legal consultation on the case. While an effort to prosecute the pair for a hate crime later failed, the ordeal did kick off Stewart's unrelenting drive for civil rights and was the beginning of his decades-long track record of being a strong voice for the Asian American community. In 1998, he was the first Asian American lawyer to ever win the MacArthur Award. He also received an honorary doctorate of law at the May 2018 UCLA graduation ceremony.
Posted: 7/17/2018
06/28/2018. On June 28th, the two-day Global Chinese Philanthropy Initiative: Tsinghua Forum was held at Tsinghua University. Dedicated to advancing the spirit of Chinese philanthropy, the event itself drew many renowned philanthropists, experts, scholars and officials from both sides of the Pacific, all gathered to discuss the future of Chinese philanthropy. Participants exchanged experiences and engaged in dialogues on the development trends in Chinese and American Chinese philanthropy, corporate social responsibility and academic research. On the afternoon of the 27th, a special VIP reception was also held on campus, hosting nearly 80 entrepreneurs, philanthropists, experts and scholars from the United States, Britain, Germany and Singapore. Participants welcomed the platform provided by the event, which enabled extensive exchanges on Chinese philanthropy, as well planning for future cooperation across languages, nationalities and functions. Formally opening the reception were President of Tsinghua University, Qiu Yong, and Chancellor of UCLA, Gene Block, who also took a group photo with all the special invitees.
Posted: 6/28/2018
06/29/2018. On June 27th and 28th, the GCPI - Tsinghua Forum was held at Tsinghua University's Schwarzman College. The forum aims to promote the Chinese charity spirit and Chinese business social responsibility, and provide opportunities for interaction and cooperation for people from all walks of life who have an interest in Chinese charity. Tan Tianxing, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said in his speech that there are about 25,000 overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese charity foundations globally and that the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council will continue to support the development of overseas Chinese communities their philanthropy initiatives. The forum was fruitful and featured the release of the first ever research report on global Chinese philanthropy initiatives, which laid a solid foundation for the follow-up on the forum. This follow up, in the form of a ‘Global Chinese Charity Alliance' will build upon the research results and establish an interactive platform for the sustainable development of philanthropists in China and the United States, enabling them to jointly address challenges and problems as they go along.
Posted: 6/29/2018
06/28/2018. On the 28th of June, Chinese and foreign experts and scholars gathered for the GCPI - Tsinghua Forum. Co-organized by the Center of Chinese Entrepreneur Studies, Tsinghua University and the UCLA Asia Pacific Center, the forum facilitated a high-level dialogue on the three themes of “Philanthropy, Innovation and Talent Cultivation”, “Chinese and Overseas Chinese Philanthropy Outlook” and “Emerging Chinese Charities”. Featuring the chancellors and vice-chancellors of four world-renowned universities at home and abroad to the forum also fostered in-depth discussions on philanthropy in higher education with scholars from home and abroad sharing their latest research findings on the status of the Chinese charity field and Chinese philanthropy in comparative analysis. Stewart Kwoh, Co-Founder and President of Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles, reported on the first phase of the “Global Chinese Charity Action” (GCPI) project, and presented the project's analysis regarding the motivations, areas of donations, donation trends and impacts of giving by Chinese philanthropists across Greater China and the US. The GCPI – Tsinghua Forum aimed to establish a network and physical platform to provide opportunities for Chinese philanthropists, industry insiders and academic researchers to interact, exchange ideas and cooperate offline as well as online.
06/28/2018. On June 28th, the GCPI –Tsinghua Forum kicked off in Beijing which featured the release of the first comprehensive research report on global Chinese philanthropy. The report focuses on the donation trends, motivations and influences of American Chinese and Chinese philanthropists living in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. Vice President of Tsinghua University, Yang Bin indicated at the event that China and the US have excellent opportunities to jointly further the development of philanthropy in both countries. He also predicted that Chinese philanthropic giving will continue to grow strongly in the future. UCLA Chancellor Gene Block meanwhile pointed out quite how quickly Chinese philanthropy was developing, emphasizing that philanthropy is certainly worth investing in. Jointly organized by the Center for Chinese Entrepreneur Studies, Tsinghua University and the UCLA Asia Pacific Center, the forum was aimed at enhancing the spirit of Chinese philanthropy, promoting corporate social responsibility for Chinese businesses and to encourage cooperation among Chinese and overseas Chinese philanthropists.