The importance of Asia and of understanding the region has never been greater. We encourage you to participate in our events and support our efforts to promote innovative research, develop international exchanges and scholarly networks, and educate the next generation of students and the public about Asia.

Private philanthropy is critical to the health and vitality of our program. We welcome contributions to the Asia Pacific Center and its member centers and programs. There are many ways to give, including outright gifts, pledges payable over time, and permanent endowments. Gifts of any size are welcome. All gifts are tax deductible and may be directed to the area of greatest interest to you. You may make your contribution online or via check or credit card.

To direct your gift to the Program on Central Asia, please make a note indicating such in the Comments section at the bottom of the online form, or contact us directly. If you would like to direct your gift to the Cantonese Heritage Endowment Fund, please include "To APC Cantonese Heritage Fund” in the Comments section.


To make a donation by check, please make your check payable to the UCLA Foundation and mail it to the address below. Please remember to write the date on the check, as an undated check is invalid and cannot be deposited:

UCLA Asia Pacific Center
11288 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487

Thank you for your support!

To learn more about the UCLA Asia Pacific Center and its affiliated centers and programs, please contact:

Aaron Miller
Deputy Director, Asia Pacific Center
11387 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487
Campus mailcode: 148703
Tel: 310-825-0007

For inquiries regarding the UCLA International Institute Development Office, please contact:

Gil Ramirez
Director of Development
11248 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487
Tel: 424-365-2095

Asia Pacific Center

11387 Bunche Hall - Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487

Campus Mail Code: 148703

Tel: (310) 825-0007

Fax: (310) 206-3555


As a land grant institution, the International Institute at UCLA acknowledges the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (Los Angeles basin, Southern Channel Islands).
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