
Since becoming a language resource center, the NHLRC has convened four quadrennial International Conferences on Heritage/Community languages and partnered with affiliates to host other conferences as well.

International Heritage Language Conferences

The quadrennial International Conferences have provided two-day forums that have brought together heritage language researchers, instructors, and specialists from around the world to discuss issues, relevant to heritage/community language studies as a multi-disciplinary field.

3rd International Heritage Language Conference: June 16-17, 2012
3rd International Heritage Language Conference: February 16-17, 2018
2nd International Heritage Language Conference: March 7-8, 2014
1st International Heritage Language Conference: February 19-21, 2010

Other Conferences

A Memorial Conference Honoring the Legacy of Olga Kagan: May 31, 2019

The UCLA Center for World Languages, the Department of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures, and the Division of the Humanities held a conference celebrating the legacy of Professor Olga E. Kagan. The all-day conference brought together scholars from UCLA and around the country who worked closely with her, to present on topics that are representative of her extraordinary career on heritage language teaching and second language acquisition.

Language Teacher Education Conference 2017: February 2-4, 2017

The NHLRC partnered with our sister LRC the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition to bring together domestic and international language teacher educators, instructors, and administrators, at a three-day conference, hosted on the UCLA campus.

Community Language Schools Conference: Saturday, April 13, 2013

This conference brought together teachers and administrators of community language schools with local faculty and graduate student researchers.