Welcome to the NHLRC

About the center

The National Heritage Language Resource Center, at the University of California, Los Angeles, is a federally funded language resource center whose mission is to develop effective pedagogical approaches to teaching heritage language learners, both by creating a research base and by pursuing curriculum design, materials development, and teacher education.

Are you a researcher?

The NHLRC stands as a cornerstone of research excellence, fostering a vibrant ecosystem for heritage language exploration. Our offerings span international conferences on heritage and community languages, annual research institutes, and a dedicated heritage language journal. With an expansive online repository housing diverse linguistic data, surveys delving into student and teacher challenges, and an extensive array of publications, we provide a robust platform for scholars and educators to delve into the rich tapestry of heritage languages.

Learn about resources for Researchers

Are you an educator?

We provide resources to guide and empower language educators who specialize in heritage languages, particularly less commonly taught languages (LCTLs). We offer an extensive array of resources that have been designed by language practitioners and implemented in the real-world classroom. From annual professional development workshops to versatile curricula and lesson plans to innovative project-based learning templates and online courses, we equip educators with the tools they need to inspire and educate their communities.

Learn about resources for Educators

Are you a heritage speaker or family?

We strive to empower heritage speakers and learners through tailored resources and programs such as summer classes designed for high school students that foster deep connections to their linguistic and cultural roots. Our extensive network of community-based heritage language schools provides immersive learning environments conducive to linguistic and cultural preservation. With support resources on bilingualism from our esteemed affiliates, we ensure heritage speakers receive the tools they need to thrive in their linguistic journey.

Learn about resources for Heritage Speakers

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