For a complete outline of degree requirements, see "Program Requirements for UCLA Graduate Degrees" available in the program office and on the Graduate Division homepage.

Program Overview

All students have to complete the following requirements for the degree before they can be awarded the M.A. in Latin American Studies:

1. Core seminar Latin American Studies 205 (Latin American Scholarship) offered during the Fall quarter.  All incoming students are expected to take this course during their first quarter in the program. 

2. At least eight additional courses distributed between two or three fields, such as anthropology, art history, gender studies, history, politics, public health, sociology, and others. At least one of the chosen fields must be a social science;

3. Proficiency in two languages spoken in Latin America: one language at advanced level, the other language at intermediate level. Typically, students who enter the program have already achieved advanced level of Spanish, however, language proficiency in not required for admission to the program;

4. Final project: thesis or a Capstone Project.

Note: Students who choose the thesis option must complete at least nine courses in addition to the core seminar (ten courses total).

Plan A: Capstone Project / Comprehensive Examination Plan

The Capstone Project consists of the submission of three research papers (at least one seminar and two upper division papers) and evaluation of them by the ad hoc committee. The original evaluators of each paper will constitute each student’s three-person ad hoc committee.
Note: It is the student’s responsibility to contact each member of the committee as early as possible, so that faculty can indicate if they want revisions in the papers before they are formally submitted to program's office. Please make sure that you give the committee members plenty of time to review your papers, recommend corrections, and make comments.

The forms and guidelines for the Capstone Project are available here.

Plan B: Thesis Plan

The thesis plan requires the completion of an approved thesis that demonstrates the student's ability to perform original, independent research. The thesis option is available by permission of the graduate adviser. Upon obtaining permission, the student, in consultation with the graduate adviser, selects a three-member faculty committee to supervise and assess the thesis. The thesis committee works closely with the student in the development, writing, and revision of the thesis, and is responsible for reading, evaluating, and approving the drafts and final version of the thesis, ensuring thereby that it meets the University standards of scholarship.

The forms and guidelines for the MA Thesis are available here.

1. Master's Thesis committees are appointed by the Dean of the Graduate Division, acting for the Graduate Council, upon nomination by the Chair of the Department (or Interdepartmental Program), after consultation with the student.

2. Master's Thesis committees consist of a minimum of three faculty members from UCLA.

3. Master's Thesis committee members must hold one of the following academic ranks:

A. Professor (any rank, regular series)
B. Professor Emeritus
C. Professor-in-Residence (any rank)
D. Acting Professor (any rank)

4. Adjunct Professor (any rank), Professor of Clinical X (any rank), and Visiting Professor (any rank) may serve as one of the three regular members (not as chair) on professional [not M.A. or M.S.] master's thesis committees.

5. Acting Assistant Professors may serve as regular members but not as chairs.

6. The Chair of the committee and at least one other member must hold academic appointments in the student's department or interdepartmental program at UCLA.

7. Additional members from any of the above titles as well as those with the title of Lecturer may be appointed to the committee and/or serve as Co-Chairs, and shall have the same voting rights and responsibilities as the other committee members.

8. By petition, one of the minimum three members may be a faculty member from another UC campus who holds an appropriate appointment as listed above.


Latin American Studies Foreign Language Requirement

Before they can graduate, students have to achieve advanced level of one language and intermediate level of another language spoken in Latin America. After completing language courses, language petition has to be submitted to the Graduate Division office in 1255 Murphy Hall.

UCLA offers instruction in the following languages relevant to the Latin American Studies degree:  Spanish, Portuguese, Nahuatl, and Quechua.  

Students can complete any of the course options below before they can graduate:  

Spanish 25 (Advanced Spanish) and
Portuguese 11A and 11B (or Portuguese 1, 2, 3)


Spanish 25 (Advanced Spanish) and
Indigenous Languages of the Americas 18A, 18B, 18C (Quechua) or International and Area Studies M5A, M5B, M5C (Nahuatl)


Portuguese 25 (Advanced Portuguese) and
Spanish 5 (Intermediate Spanish)


Portuguese 25 (Advanced Portuguese) and
Indigenous Languages of the Americas 18A, 18B,18C (Quechua) or International and Area Studies M5A, M5B, M5C (Nahuatl)

Students who completed language requirement by taking courses outside of UCLA can be exempt from taking additional language courses at UCLA. Please contact the Advising Office for more information.

For the Thesis plan, the language requirement must be completed by the end of the quarter prior to expected graduation quarter.

UCLA Class Schedule

Spring 2025 Course List for Latin American Studies M.A.

Winter 2025 Course List for Latin American Studies M.A.

Of the nine courses (36 units) for the Latin American Studies MA, at least five (20 units) must be at the graduate level, with at least one graduate-level course falling in each of the two or three fields. The thesis plan requires a minimum of 10 courses (40 units). 

All coursework must relate to Latin America, e.g. any research paper or project must focus on the region.

Courses in the 300 series cannot be applied to the degree.

One course (4 units) in the 400 series professional courses can be applied toward the M.A. degree as electives by petition to the chair.

Maximum two 500 series courses (or any other independent study units) are allowed for the degree, and only one of which may apply as graduate course credit.

All courses must be taken for a letter grade. The 500 series courses taken for S/U can be applied to the degree only if the course has no letter grade option


Past Course Lists:

Fall 2024 Course List for Latin American Studies M.A.

Spring 2024 Course List for Latin American Studies M.A.

Winter 2024 Course List for Latin American Studies M.A.

Fall 2023 Course List for Latin American Studies M.A.

Spring 2023 Course List for Latin American Studies M.A.

Winter 2023 Course List for Latin American Studies M.A.

Fall 2022 Course List for Latin American Studies M.A.

The capstone project requirement is fulfilled by the submission of three research papers written for at least two of the three fields included as part of a student’s program (or both fields if s/he is doing only two). At least two of the papers must have originated in graduate courses in the 200 series. Students nominate a three member faculty committee drawn from each field the student has chosen (for students doing two fields, the third faculty member may be from any field, but must be a core faculty member in Latin American Studies). The committee serves subject to the approval of the IDP chair or co-chairs

Note: It is the student’s responsibility to contact each member of the committee as early as possible, so that faculty can indicate if they want revisions in the papers before they are formally submitted to program's office. Please make sure that you give the committee members plenty of time to review your papers, recommend corrections, and make comments.

Additional requirements:

o Papers must be written under the supervision of three different professors;

o The papers are required to be a minimum of 17-20 pages in length each;

o The papers are to reference at least 15-20 sources, listed in a bibliography;

o The papers have to be submitted via email to by the last day of the quarter in which the student is graduating.  The papers should be submitted as three separate documents, preferably in pdf form;

o The Capstone Approval Form has to be submitted to the Latin American Studies office along with the papers.  It is preferred that the professors sign the same approval form, but if that's not possible, the professors can put their signatures on separate forms.

The departmental chair will review the papers to determine satisfactory/unsatisfactory.



Master thesis is a piece of original research paper with focus on Latin America written under the direction of three faculty committee. A master’s thesis is about 50-page long and it should be publishable as a single article. It is the student's responsibility to formally appoint their Faculty Thesis Committee but all nominations must be approved in consultation with the  Program Chair/Faculty Advisor. A three-member faculty thesis committee should consist of one professor from each of the disciplines.

Students who are planning to graduate from the program by submitting thesis must complete at least 10 courses for the degree, Nine courses minimum are required for those students who are planning to submit a capstone project. 

Students who intend to complete the degree by submitting a thesis need to follow these steps:

-Forward M.A. thesis committee nomination form to the program's office by Friday of week 2 of the final quarter of enrollment. The form has to be signed by faculty thesis committee. After the nomination document is reviewed by the chair of the program, it is forwarded to the Graduate Division for final approval.

-Students need to communicate clearly and in a timely manner with their committee about their progress. In some instances, enrollment in 598 (Research and Preparation of M.A. Thesis) course may be required.

-Students must attend thesis workshop offered by the UCLA Graduate Division during their final quarter. Please check the website for schedule.

-Thesis must be filed with the Graduate Division by the filing deadline (usually last day of the quarter).



For more detailed information on regulations governing the nomination of Master's thesis committee, please check Standards and Procedures for Graduate Study.

-Thesis committee must be formally appointed via formal petition signed by all Committee Members and the LAS Program Chair. The petition must be submitted to the program's office no later than week 2 of the final quarter of enrollment.

-Thesis Committee includes a chair and two members.

-The Committee Chair must be a faculty member with whom student has taken a graduate level course.

-The Chair of the committee and at least one other member must hold academic appointments in the student's department or interdepartmental program at UCLA (please check Latin American Studies faculty list)

By petition, one of the minimum three members may be a faculty member from another UC campus who holds an appropriate appointment as listed in Standards and Procedures for Graduate Study.

Non-UC faculty is not allowed to serve on thesis committee.

Filing Fee is intended for students who are in good academic standing and who have completed all degree requirements except for filing their thesis or submitting their capstone project. 

To use the Filing Fee Application (in lieu of registration and paying tuition), students must meet the following criteria:

o  You were registered and enrolled at UCLA during the preceding quarter.  (Students who were registered in Spring are eligible for the filing fee in Summer or Fall)

o You have completed all degree requirements for the degree:  

- Language Petition was submitted to the Graduate Division and approved

- Advancement to Candidacy petition was submitted to the Graduate Division, and students must have advanced to candidacy at least one quarter prior to the term of filing fee usage

- If submitting a thesis, your thesis committee nomination form was submitted to the Graduate Division and approved

o You do not use more than 12 hours of university resources (including faculty time) since last being registered and the first day of class for the new term

If you meet the above requirements, you can submit filing fee request by the deadline. 

Note: If you do not complete your degree in the quarter that you filed your Filing Fee request, the university views you as out-of-status (not a student). You will need to re-apply to the program and be re-admitted in order to complete your degree and graduate.

Departmental scholars are not eligible for a filing fee quarter.


CAPSTONE Plan: LAS M.A. Degree Worksheet--Capstone

THESIS Plan: LAS M.A. Degree Worksheet--Thesis

Division of Graduate Education (DGE) Language Petition

DGE Master's Advancement to Candidacy Petition
Please obtain your unofficial transcript (MyUCLA) and highlight courses you wish to count towards your course requirement. Email the ATC Petition form and your transcript to by the end of Week 2 of the graduating quarter (registered and enrolled). If students plan to petition for a filing fee quarter, students must have advanced to candidacy at least one quarter prior to the term of Filing Fee usage.

Plan I: Thesis 

Guidelines for MA Thesis

LAS Thesis Committee Nomination Form

DGE Thesis Committee Nomination Form

Plan II: Capstone 

LAS Capstone Committee Nomination Form

LAS Capstone Approval Form

Capstone Guidelines (For Students) 

Capstone Guidelines (For Faculty)

Sample Title Page (Capstone Project)

Graduate Student Handbook

 graduate student handbook