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Aluminum in Amazonia: Unmodern Encounters

Image for Aluminum in Amazonia: Unmodern Encounters

Hybrid Event

Monday, May 22, 2023
2:00 PM (Pacific Time)In-Person: Public Affairs, Room 5391
Online: Zoom

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Since the arrival of the aluminum industry in Amazonia around 1915, its history has unfolded in a series of unequal encounters between extractive companies and governments with a 'progress'-based agenda on the one hand, and the traditional peoples of Amazonia on the other. Today aluminum companies are implementing policies to increase their environmental 'sustainability', but are they able to correct the wrongdoings of the past? Simon Lobach’s research is based upon a combination of methods: literature, archive research, oral history, interviews with community members, as well as company visits to aluminum producers in Amazonia.



Simon Lobach
PhD Researcher in International History and Politics, Geneva Graduate Institute

Cost: Free

Download File: Aluminum-in-Amazonia-Unmodern-Encounters-uw-os4.pdf

Sponsor(s): Center for Brazilian Studies, Latin American Institute