Book Launch: Santiago, Chile
Fértil provincia y señalada: Raúl Ruiz y el campo del cine chileno

A celebration of the launch of a new book edited by Verónica Cortínez, director of the UCLA Center for Southern Cone Studies, in Santiago, Chile.
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
7:00 PMLibrería del Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral- GAM
Edificio B, local 2
Alameda Libertadora Bernardo O'Higgins 227

Marisol Vera, Director of Editorial Cuarto Propio, cordially invites you to the book launch for Fértil provincia y señalada: Raúl Ruiz y el campo del cine chileno, edited by Verónica Cortínez, UCLA.
The launch will be hosted by René Naranjo, film critic, and María Elena Wood, film-maker.
Download File: Cine-V.-Cortinez-(portada)-f0-irh.pdf
Sponsor(s): Program on Southern Cone Studies