Fred G. Notehelfer
Professor Emeritus, History
Department of History

Fred G. Notehelfer, Professor Emeritus in Department of History, was born to German Missionary parents in Japan in 1939. He joined the UCLA History Department in 1969. From 1975-1995 he served as the UCLA Director of the USC-UCLA Joint Center in East Asian Studies and directed the UCLA Center for Japanese Studies from 1992 - 2008. His books include Kotoku Shusui: Portrait of a Japanese Radical (Cambridge, 1971); American Samurai: Captain L.L Janes and Japan (Princeton, 1985); and Japan Through American Eyes, the Journal of Francis Hall, Kanagawa and Yokohama, 1859-1866 (Princeton, 1992). He has published numerous articles and reviews in the Journal of Japanese Studies, Monumenta Nipponica, the Journal of Asian Studies, and other Japan related publications.

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