Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies 10-Month Program
The Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies (IUC) offers an intensive, 10-month program of study in advanced spoken and written Japanese.
10-Month Program
Date: September 3, 2018 - June 6, 2019
The Center's 10-month intensive program starts in September and ends in early June. Classes are conducted from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Wednesday afternoons are reserved for extra-curricular activities. The number of classes per week is reduced during the latter half of the program to accommodate the increase in specialized study (area studies) and tutorial instruction. Students admitted to the Center should be prepared to devote themselves full-time to language study. The workload does not leave time for dissertation research or for outside employment.
The Center's 10-month intensive program is divided into two parts. In the first half of the program, teaching is geared towards development of competence in constructing complex utterances and extended discourse, using Japanese accurately and appropriately in social settings, and expressing and understanding Japanese on general topics. This training provides a solid foundation for specialized, advanced language training. In the second half of the program, instruction centers on developing specialized language skills necessary for students to pursue their academic goals or professional work. Throughout the program, tutorial sessions are provided once a week for every student to deal with his or her particular linguistic problems, and to talk freely on topics of his or her choosing.
Qualified candidates from any institution are invited to apply. Undergraduates, graduates, and professionals who have completed two years or more training in a rigorous college-level Japanese language training program, or the equivalent, are eligible. The 10-month program is intended for students embarking on careers in Japanese studies or a profession in which fluent Japanese is necessary. The program is designed to bring each participant to a level of proficiency sufficient for academic or professional use. Training focuses on development of the ability to converse in Japanese on specialized subjects, to comprehend and deliver public presentations, and to read and write materials in Japanese in order to function professionally in academia, business, government, and other fields. Guaranteed $7,000 tuition scholarship for consortium member students. IUC tuition scholarships available for all eligible candidates.
For program details and applications, visit the IUC web page at