type: graduate
amount: $3,000

For more info, please contact:

Fowler Museum Awards for Graduate Students
The Fowler Museum offers fellowships to any graduate student registered at UCLA and planning a career in a field related to the goals of the award is eligible.

Ralph C. Altman Award

The Ralph C. Altman Memorial Fund was established in 1967 by friends, students, and colleagues of the late Ralph C. Altman, founder and first director of what is now the UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History. In his four years as director, Mr. Altman build the Museum's holdings of ethnic and ancient art into one of the most distinguished collections in the world. The perpetuation of interest and scholarship in the fields of ethnic and ancient arts through the training of graduate students was Mr. Altman's foremost goal. Toward that end, the UCLA Fowler Museum announces the 34th annual Ralph C. Altman Memorial Fund Award.

Arnold Rubin Award

Established in 1988 and named in honor of the late Dr. Arnold Rubin, professor of Art History at UCLA from 1967 to 1988, the Rubin Award is given annually to a graduate student working in Dr. Rubin's areas of interest. These include African, Oceanic, and Native American arts and material culture, and popular phenomena emphasizing the unconventional arts of living peoples, regardless of geographic area. The awards committee consists of one representative from each of the following UCLA programs: World Arts and Cultures, Art History, and the Fowler Museum.

How to Apply

The recipient of each award will receive $3,000. Applicants will automatically be considered for both awards. Application forms are available at the Fowler Museum front lobby reception desk or by emailing our Executive Assistant, Sophia Livsey at slivsey@arts.ucla.edu. Any graduate student registered at UCLA (or receiving a graduate degree from UCLA) and planning a career in a field related to the goals of the award is eligible, however, preference will be given to Ph.D. candidates. Students from a wide range of departments are encouraged to apply.

UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History
Box 951549
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1549
Tel: 310-825-9672
Campus Mail Code: 154906

Deadline: Varies