2013 - 2014 Academic Year
Grant and Fellowship Recipients
Sasakawa Fellowship
John Leisure, History
Shin Wei Sun, ALC
Justin Wilson, History
Kevin Richardson, History
Zsuzsanna Magyar, Political Science
Sarah Walsh, History
Ken Shima, ALC
Shih-Wei Sun, ALC
Wakako Suzuki, ALC
Mariko Takano, ALC
Dermott Walsh, ALC
Sasakawa Japanese Language Study Fellowships
Edwin Everhart, Anthropology
Kelly McCormick, History
Deborah Price, ALC
Justin Wilson, History
The George and Sakaye Aratani Field Experience Scholarship
Catherine Bender, Geography
Mari Ishida, ALC
Hieyoon Kim, ALC
Ryoko Nishijima, Anthropology
The George and Sakaye Aratani Fellowship
Aki Yamada, Education
The Herb and Helen Kawahara Fellowship
Meng Zhang, History
Dong Yan, History
The Hans H. Baerwald Fellowship
Ken Shima, ALC