Chancellor Gene Block and other esteemed panelists joined moderator Cindy Fan, vice provost for international studies and global engagement, for the UCLA-USINDO Global Forum in Jakarta. The panel explored the topic, "The Role Universities and the Public & Private Sectors Can Play in Workforce Development in Indonesia and United States."
The Honorable Robert O. Blake (Introduction)
United States Ambassador, United States Embassy in Jakarta
Chancellor Gene Block
University of California, Los Angeles
Prof. Cindy Fan (Moderator)
Vice Provost for International Studies and Global Engagement
University of California, Los Angeles
Ms. Julia Gouw
Retired President and Chief Operating Officer of East West Bancorp, Inc.
Prof. Ari Kuncoro
Dean of Economics, University Of Indonesia
Mr. A. Lin Neumann
Managing Director, AMCHAM
His Excellency Lutfi Rauf
Assistant for Foreign Policy Coordination, Office of the Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister
Former Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Thailand
His Excellency Arifin Mohamad Siregar (Introduction)
Co-Chair, USINDO
Former Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United States
Pacific Place Mall, 3rd Floor #325
Jenderal Sudirman, Kav. 52-53
Kebayoran Baru
Central Jakarta 12190
This event was sponsored in partnership with The United States-Indonesia Society (USINDO).