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By Richard Gunde

An on-line database bibliographic database of teaching & learning materials for less commonly taught languages

The UCLA Language Materials Project (LMP), is an on-line bibliographic database of teaching and learning materials for over 100  less commonly taught languages (LCTLs) including Mandarin and Cantonese. 

The LMP provides full bibliographic information for each of the over 4,000 items in the database, including detailed annotations that describe the content and other features of the material. The materials include textbooks, workbooks, reference materials, readers, grammars, CD-ROMs, video and audio cassettes, and web-based materials. The LMP also has information on resources of authentic materials for certain languages, including Kazakh, Russian and Swahili.

In addition to the database, the LMP provides profiles for most of the languages in the database. The profiles have a map, a description of key dialects, grammatical features, and a brief linguistic history.  The LMP also houses the LCTL database from the Center for Applied Linguistics.

LMP website

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