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Nambu Foundation


The Nambu Foundation is a non-profit organization which allows outstanding undergraduate and graduate students to participate in a two month internship at a Japanese company. The internship provides the student with valuable opportunities to learn Japanese business practices and to receive on-the-job-training. Since the start of the program in 1987, over 250 students have had the unique experience of working for a Japanese company.


160,000 yen/month allowance; round-trip economy airfare between the U.S. and Japan up to $1,000; company-sponsored housing; work-related travel expenses.


The internship program is open to graduate students and selected undergraduate students (normally junior or above) studying in the United States. We welcome students of all majors who have a sincere interest in Japan.

Conversational Japanese is a must. Fluency in Japanese is highly recommended for a successful internship.


Application materials must be postmarked on or before January 31, 2006.


Application form
Personal statement (approximately 500 words)
Sealed undergraduate and graduate transcripts
One faculty appraisal/recommendation
Two passport photos (for visa applications)
Please print your full name behind each photograph

Send documents to:

Nambu Foundation
Internship Application Review Committee
51 East 42nd Street, 18th Floor
New York, New York 10017