What classes do I need for the Global Studies major?
You can find information about requirements for the Global Studies major on the Major Worksheet, available on "Current Students" tab.

How do I get into the Global Studies major?

  • Complete all non-language preparation courses, and one modern foreign language equivalent to UCLA level 3. Remaining language courses may be completed while you have major standing.
  • All preparation courses for the major must be taken for a letter grade.
  • The UC GPA for all preps must be a minimum of 3.25. (transfer students typically won't have a UC CPA)
  • The minimum grade for Global Studies 1 is a B.
  • Apply to the Global Studies major during the fall of your junior year, at the latest. Prep courses toward the major must be completed by the end of the fall quarter you apply (that is, they can still be in progress when applying to the major).

What are the GPA requirements to enter the major?
The Global Studies major requires a minimum GPA of  3.25 for the preparation courses.  The minimum grade for Global Studies 1 is a B. There is no minimum grade requirement for the other prep courses as long as you get above an 'F' and the overall prep GPA is above a 3.25

What does the application Statement of Interest entail? (effective 20 Fall)

There are many ways to answer the following questions but the best answers will give us a clear account of whether your interests align with the courses you will be taking as a Global Studies major, ways in which you can contribute to the major, what you hope to gain from it while at UCLA, and who you are as a person. Please refrain from discussing future career goals—we want to know how the Global Studies curriculum (courses, study abroad, senior thesis) will help you make the best of your time while here at UCLA. Please write one cohesive paragraph and be careful to proof-read for errors in spelling, grammar, and usage. Essays longer than 300 words will not be read.

You may use the questions below as reference when crafting your statement, but don’t worry if you can’t cover more than one in your short statement. 

  •  Why do you want to pursue Global Studies rather than another UCLA major that has an interdisciplinary approach and/or international focus?
  • What is your second choice for a major, and why would you prefer Global Studies? 
  • What personal experiences—within and/or outside of school--have inspired you to pursue this major? 
  • What is one issue related to globalization that you hope to learn more about through the Global Studies major? Be specific.
  • What skills do you hope to take away from the Global Studies major? 
  • Do you have a preliminary globalization-realted idea/topic/question for your Global Studies senior thesis? (It’s OK if it’s just a rough area of interest at this point.)

Please visit our website to learn more about the major, the required and elective courses and learn about the difference between Global Studies and other majors; this will help in writing a more thoughtful and meaningful statement.

What are the ways in which I can fulfill the language requirement?

You can fulfill the language requirement by:

  • Taking a UCLA equivalent course of 2 years of any modern language OR
  • Taking a language placement test at UCLA’s appropriate language departments (requirement can be fulfilled in part on in total by the test) OR
  • Being a native speaker who is born in a non-English speaking country (subject to approval)

Can I minor in Global Studies?
Yes. The Global Studies minor does not require an application. As soon as you have completed the preps for the major, with a minimum prep GPA of 2.0, contact our office and ask to be declared a Global Studies minor.

Can I get a Minor in addition to my Global Studies major?
Sure, we encourage students to consider minoring in minors of interest that fall under International and Area Studies, such as Southeast Asian Studies, South Asian Studies, or African and Middle Eastern Studies. Please browse the Interdepartmental Programs website for more information.

Which themes does the Global Studies cover?
Global Studies covers three thematic pillars of globalization:

1. Culture & Society
2. Governance & Conflict
3. Markets

Both the major and the minor require courses based upon these thematic pillars in order to complete the preps as well as the full major and minor.

Can I use courses for Global Studies and another major or minor?
The maximum upper division courses that can count for the Global Studies major and another major is five, per the College’s rule. The maximum for the Global Studies minor with and other major or minor is two. It should be noted that different departments may have different overlap restrictions, so between Global Studies and the other major or minor, the department with fewer allowed overlaps is the restriction that is enforced.

Can I double major in Global Studies and another major?
The College's rule is that no more than 5 upper division courses may be common to both majors.   Courses used for preparation requirements are not counted in this overlap. 

In order to double major, you first need to have taken all the preparation courses for both majors plus two upper division courses in each major. For additional information please visit the College of Letters and Science Website.

What are the GPA requirements once I’m a declared major?
Note that the Global Studies major requires a minimum GPA of 2.00 for all upper division courses combined for the major, not a particular grade in any one course.

What is the difference between new and old requirements?
All requirements remain the same except for the capstone requirement

Admitted on or before Winter 2022: Students must write a senior thesis to meet the senior capstone requirement.
Declared after Fall 2022: NEW Capstone requirement: Students can choose between 1 quarter independent research (Glbl St 199A), secure their own internship and take I A STD 195CE, or write a senior thesis. GS 194 is no longer a requirement.



I’m a current Global Studies major, do I have to write the senior thesis?
Yes, students admitted prior to Winter 2022 still have to write the senior thesis. However, sophomores (2nd year) or Juniors (3rd year) who have already been admitted to the major are allowed to submit a request to switch to new requirements. Fill out this form no later than August 1, 2022. Submissions after this deadline will NOT be accepted. Once students are switched to new requirements, they cannot be changed back to old requirements.

I’m a current declared GS major and will write a thesis, are there any changes?
The only change is that GS 194 is no longer a regular class, instead, students will receive credit for this course if they take 2 workshops from the Undergraduate Research Center Cornerstone Research Series Workshops to prepare you for your thesis in the Fall quarter in lieu of this course.



If I am a pre-global studies major should I submit a form?
No, no further action is needed if you are pre-global. Make sure you model your DAR Fall 2022.

Is switching the Fall 2022 catalog final?
Yes, we will not be able to switch you to the old requirements once you are switched to Fall 2022.

Can I get more details about the capstone options?
More information about the new capstone requirement (Internship, Independent Study, and Thesis options) can be found under our capstone tab.

Can I write a thesis under the new (Fall 2022) requirements?
Yes, you can write a senior thesis as long as you fulfill all eligibility requirements. You may also be eligible for departmental honors. Additional details to come. 

How can I receive departmental honors?
You will be eligible for departmental honors if you are admitted to the honors program, complete a senior thesis and fulfill all eligibility requirements. Additional details to come.

Can I use both I A STD 195CE (internship course) and 199A (independent study) for the major?
Yes, they can both be used for the major for different requirements but only once each. One will fulfill the capstone requirement and the other one can fulfill an elective upper division by petition.

Do I need to take Glbl St 191 before 199A or I A STD 195CE?
No, you can enroll in 191 at any time. GS 191 and I A STD 195CE will be offered throughout the year depending on instructors’ availability.

What kinds of internships are approved for the capstone requirement?
Globalization-related internships. Approved by GS program and the Center for Community Engagement. Internships sites must do work related to globalization and deal with issues that involve crossing international borders. Further, the job description itself must involve some aspect of the globalization. It could be about people crossing a border (migration), goods or services (trade), money, ideas or about global conflict and governance.

Examples Include:

  • A refugee or migrant organization
  • The Ports of LA or Long Beach
  • CA or Federal government on trade
  • The U.S. Department of State
  • Member of Congress on international issues
  • LA Mayor’s office on international issues
  • Hollywood Studio on international distribution or other international issues
  • United Nations or other international governmental organization
  • Foreign exchange trading

Can I do I A STD 195CE in the summer?
Yes, however, you still must complete the travel study program. If this is your plan, we highly recommend completing the travel study program between sophomore and junior years.

Can I do more than one I A STD 195CE and does it count for the major?
I A STD 195CE can only be taken once andd the second 195CE can be taken under a different departments but only I A STD 195CE can be counted for the major.

Can I petition an internship that I already completed to fulfill the capstone requirement?
Students may submit a petition as long as they took a course to receive credit for their internship. Approval is not guaranteed, so prior approval is highly recommended. Students may be asked to write a paper about their internship experience and how it relates to what they have learned in the major.





On June 5th, 2023, continuing students can check MyUCLA for assigned enrollment appointments.
click on Study List or Class Planner -> Enrollment Appointments (on the right hand side)
Holds that prevent enrollment:
Degree Audit or MyUCLA (Academics -> Academic Profile -> Holds) take steps to remove the hold now.


Schedule of Classes AND Global Studies website

First pass: enroll in courses that are in high demand, required, or are likely to fill quickly, such as core courses, labs, foreign language, and popular GEs.
Class Planner: use to create potential schedules and enroll.
Pre-requisites & restrictions: Some pre-requisites are required and enforced. Some courses are restricted to students in particular majors or with a particular class standing (e.g., juniors and seniors only).
Glbl St courses are restricted for majors only and are not open to pre-Glbl St students or minors until second pass.
Swapping discussion sections: If a class is full, DO NOT try and swap your discussion, as swapping into a closed discussion will drop you from the class. To swap your discussion section in a class that is full:

  • Find a student in the discussion you wish to enroll in who is willing to switch discussions with you
  • Email our office (idps@international.ucla.edu) with both of your UIDs and discussion sections, and cc the other student in the email
  • Await for confirmation from our office that your discussion sections were swapped, and double check on MyUCLA


You can use the Search Criteria function in the schedule of classes to find particular modes:


Held at scheduled times with faculty delivering course content using remote communication tools and students in attendance using those tools. Faculty will not record the class.


Held at scheduled times with faculty delivering course content using remote communication tools and with students in attendance using those tools. Faculty will record the class and make available those scheduled activities for subsequent use by students. However, faculty may still request participation during scheduled meeting times.


With the exception of office hours or review sections, there are no pre-scheduled sessions for this class. Lectures and all class content will be available online.

ALLOWED UNITS You may enroll in up to 10 units during priority/first pass, and 9 units in your second pass, for a total of 19 units. If you have a 3.0 cumulative and current GPA in 15 units in Winter, you will automatically be granted up to 22 units after the first day of Winter quarter. (Please note that Winter grades are not due until the Spring quarter begins, so students may not be eligible until after that if grades are not posted earlier.)

o If you are not automatically eligible, you may submit a petition requesting excess units.
o Please check MyUCLA to see how many units you have been granted before submitting a petition.

General academic advisor in your School/College/Department can assist you with your program plan. To confirm advising unit, check the upper right corner of your Degree Audit.
NOTE: advising is extremely busy during enrollment, and appointments may be scarce, wait times may be long, and email and messages may take longer to receive a response. Please be patient and know that your advisors are working extremely hard during this time.


How do I get into a "majors only" class?
You need to be a declared major to take these courses, except during the Summer sessions, which generally are not restricted to majors

Can I repeat a course if I got a C?
No, you can only repeat if you receive a 'C-' or below.  The newer grade will replace that of the previous one in your GPA (as long as you haven't exceeded the 16 unit repeat limit).  You are not required to do so, however. For additional information please visit the College of Letters and Science Website.

How do I get a PTE?
PTE stands for "Permission to Enroll." PTE's are not given out in this office.  Please contact the professor to inquire about a PTE #.

What is a 199 (Independent Study) course and is it possible to have it apply toward Global Studies?
199 are independent studies courses in which you work directly with a professor on a course of study agreed upon by both of you. If you take a 199, you can  have it count toward an upper division thematic pillar for Global Studies, depending on the focus of the study. The department the 199 is listed under doesn't matter. However, the topic must be related to the courses that are already applicable to the major.  Before enrolling to a 199, file a preliminary petition with our office to see if the topic of your paper is applicable to the major.  Once approved, create a “Contract Course” through MyUCLA. Official approval of the 199 course, however, will be based on the final paper. Please note that a 199 is separate from Global Studies 199A and 199B, which are required courses for the Global Studies major taken senior year, during which students work under individual faculty advisors to research and write original theses.

Is it possible to apply courses not already approved towards Global Studies?
For courses not already approved for Global Studies, you must petition to see if they can be applied. Courses that are not on the worksheet for the major or minor but are listed in the quarterly Additional Courselist have been preapproved to count toward Global Studies, and can be applied to the DAR upon enrollment with an e-mail to our office.

For more information about the additional courselist, as well as a link to the petition form for courses that are not listed on the additional courselist, check the website.

Can I take any courses P/NP to count towards Global Studies?
All courses for Global Studies, including preparation courses, must be taken for a letter grade, regardless if they are taken at UCLA or elsewhere.  While grades for non-UC courses do not get figured into the UCLA GPA, the grade will appear on the institution's transcript. If you choose to take a course P/NP, you can still get unit credit towards your degree, but won't count for your major. For more information, see the "Transfer Credit & Study Abroad Credit" link from the Global Studies homepage.

How do I remove an incomplete once I finish the work?
Once the instructor receives your completed work by the end of  your next enrolled term, he/she will complete the paperwork with the department.

The Incomplete notation is still on my transcripts even after I finished the assigned work.
An Incomplete grade will never be replaced or removed from your DAR. The new grade will appear on your DAR  the quarter the coursework was completed.

Is there an order to the classes?
All pre-requisite courses must be taken before you can officially enter into the major. Many classes also have prerequisites, so please check with the department or consult the current schedule of classes for prerequisites.

The major requires that Global Studies 1 be taken in the fall before taking any of the core classes (Global Studies 102, 103, and 104). Students majoring in Global Studies must complete this sequence by the end of their junior year. Students minoring in Global Studies must complete this sequence by the end of their final year. Majors must also complete the summer Travel Study program (Global Studies 110A and 110B) before continuing on to the senior year thesis courses. Elective courses do not need to be taken in a particular order.

The second sequence of courses applies to Global Studies majors only. During their final year, they must complete a sequence of Global Studies 191 and 194 in the fall, 199A in the winter, and 199B in the spring. (199A and 199B must be taken in separate quarters in that order, but the quarter that 199A is taken can change depending on the student’s circumstances. For example, a student can start 199A in the spring and complete 199B during the summer.)

I took a class at a Community College, will it transfer to UCLA?
The courses usually transfer and will show on your transcripts. However, if they have not been posted, you need to make sure your community college sent the transcripts to UCLA admissions. If the course is posted but not applying, contact our office.

Can I start major classes before I am officially accepted into the major?
Yes, you may take any approved courses towards the Global Studies major, as long as it is not restricted and you meet the required prerequisites.

How do I read my DAR?
You can access your DAR from my.ucla. If you need assistance understanding it, see a College counselor or your major’s counselor for assistance.

Can I get credit for my AP courses?
It depends on the class and the score you received. Please refer to the Admissions website for more information, and click on Credit from Advanced Placement Exams if you have additional questions, please contact our office

I want to study abroad, can I have courses apply towards the major?
Yes, this will of course depend on where you study abroad and if the courses you take are applicable to Global Studies. All courses must be pre-approved, but final approval is determined by the Global Studies chair via a petition, available on the website: //www.international.ucla.edu/idps/globalstudies/ (once you come back from abroad and courses have posted to your DPR). The number of courses you take abroad will depend on how long you intent to study abroad for. Visit the International Education Office for study abroad programs.

I’m thinking of applying to graduate or professional school. What should I do?
The Global Studies program does not have a graduate program in Global Studies at UCLA.

You might want to inquire about the programs offered through the UCLA School of Public Policy and Social Research or the UCLA Political Science Department.

How do I get information on scholarships, internships, and jobs
You can obtain more information about these right on the Global Studies website.

For Internships and Jobs opportunities, you may contact or meet with an adviser from the Career Center or the Center for Community Learning. or visit our Internship Page

For Scholarship information, please contact the Scholarship Resource Center.

UCLA Faculty Research Interests Page

How can I find an internship that is right for me?

1. REFLECT: What kind of work do you enjoy? In what specific area of development would you like to pursue a career (public health, planning, finance, human rights, education, environment, etc.)? What skills do you have or need to acquire and how will the internship help you meet those goals (field work, practical experience, opportunities for networking or building professional relationships)? What kind of institution do you want to work with? Do you have an interest in a particular geographical area or issue area? When do you want to do this internship? Are you willing to gain experience by volunteering alone, or are you only seeking paid internships?

2. TALK: to other students who have had internships and with career advisors.

3. SEARCH: Look for internships on Handshake, attend Career Center fairs, and read our Weekly Bulletin to learn about internship and job opportunities available to International Institute Students. Please go to our 'Internship' tab on the IDS website, or the 'Internships' page under 'Resources' in the top menu. There, you can find specific internships in a wide variety of professional fields that are great opportunities for IDS majors.

Can I receive academic credit for my internship?

Yes. You can receive academic credit by enrolling in I A STD 195CE. You must visit the Center for Community Learning for approval for your internship. If you wish to use this course towards specific IDS major requirements, please consult with an IDS advisor. For more information, please visit the 'Internships' page under 'Resources' for further details.

Where can I find funding for my internship?

The International Institute offers scholarships for internships abroad. Please see our Internships tab.

For more scholarship information, please contact the Scholarship Resource Center.

How can I get information on jobs?

For job opportunities, you may contact or meet with an advisor from the Career Center. We also advertise recent job opportunities on our Weekly Bulletin. Handshake is a great way to learn about job opportunities for Bruins who are recent grads.

Questions that go beyond your major (e.g., max units, adding, dropping classes, incompletes, pass/no pass units, GEs, minimum progress, expected cumulative progress, academic probation, graduating in absentia, academic residence, repeating courses, etc.) should be addressed to your college counseling unit. Visit the College of Letters and Science FAQ's webpage for assistance here.

Is there Departmental Honors for Global Studies?
Yes, you can find information on how to apply to the Honors program under the 'Current Students, New: Senior Capstone' tab.

What are your office hours? Where are you located?
We are located in 10270 and 10274 Bunche Hall. Our office hours are:
Monday - Thursday: 9:30 - 11:30AM & 1:00 - 4:00PM
Friday: 9:30 - 11:30AM

How do I locate one of my professors?
Please go to the UCLA directory:  www.directory.ucla.edu

Which professors do you recommend?
The best way to learn about professors is by talking to students who have already taken a particular professor's course. There is also www.bruinwalk.com for student feedback.

You can also obtain more information on a professor's background on the Faculty link of the Global Studies homepage or by going to the department homepage of the faculty member or the International Institute Centers.