Major Worksheet

Course requirements

 Course Descriptions 

 Glbl St course descriptions

Degree Planner

3 and 4-year Degree Plans


Enrollment Tips

FALL 2024

Courses with * will show up on DAR in September

Fall Courses Here


Click HERE for past course offerings


 Session A  Session B3  Session C 

                         Travel Study                           


Study abroad courses and UC/Non-UC courses

Petition for Committee Review

GLOBAL STUDIES COURSES- Fall 2024-25 Offerings

Core courses are offered once a year. Global Studies 1 will be offered Fall and summer, and tentatively Winter for AY 24-25. Travel Study is required for majors but students should visit advising office if they can't meet this requirement to explore options.

*I A STD 195CE is an optional internship course that fulfills capstone requirement for majors. Students must find their own internships

** GLBL ST 191 is for seniors only

Subject to change

Fall 24 Winter 25 Spring 25 Summer 25



Major Application Due

GLBL ST 1 (5 units)
Tejas Parasher

GLBL ST 160 (4 units)
Kal Raustiala

GLBL ST M161 (4 units)
Steve Zipperstein

GLBL ST 191** (4 units)
Eric Min



GLBL ST 1 (5 units)
Shaina Potts

GLBL ST 102** (5 units)
Maggie Peters

GLBL ST 103** (5 units)
Eric Min

GLBL ST 160 (4 units)
Sanjeev Gupta-elective

GLBL ST M161 (4 units)
Steve Zipperstein

GLBL ST 191** (4 units)
Adina Matisoff

*I A STD 195CE (4 units)


GLBL ST 104 (5 units)
Hannah Appel 

GLBL ST 191** (4 units)
Tejas Parasher

*I A STD 195CE (4 units)


GLBL ST 1 (5 units)

GLBL ST 110A/113AD (5 units)

GLBL ST 110B/113BD (5 units)

*I A STD 195CE (4 units)


 Minor worksheet

Course Descriptions 





Enrollment Tips                       Declare the Minor


At least 20 units of the minor (upper and lower division) must be exclusive to the minor.


Fall 2024

Courses with * will show up on DAR in September

Fall Courses Here


Click HERE for past course offerings


 Session A Session B3 Session C

Travel Study


Study abroad courses and UC/Non-UC courses

Petition for Committee Review


Core courses are offered once a year. Global Studies 1 is only offered Fall and summer, and tentatively Winter for AY 24-25.

Subject to change

Fall 24 Winter 25 Spring 25 Summer  

GLBL ST 1 (5 units)
Tejas Parasher

GLBL ST 160 (4 units)
Kal Raustiala-elective

GLBL ST M161 (4 units)
Steve Zipperstein-elective

GLBL ST 1 (5 units)
Shaina Potts

GLBL ST 102 (5 units)
Maggie Peters

GLBL ST 103 (5 units)
Eric Min

GLBL ST 160 (4 units)
Sanjeev Gupta-elective

GLBL ST M161 (4 units)
Steve Zipperstein


GLBL ST 104 (5 units)
Hannah Appel


GLBL ST 1 (5 units)

Optional Travel Study 

 Fulfill 2 UD courses for minor

Locations vary (Europe and Asia)

Choose ONE option during senior year to fulfill the senior capstone requirement

1. One Quarter of Independent Research (Glbl St 199)

Complete independent research any quarter of  senior year. Potential faculty advisors can be only Professors, Associate/Assistant Professors, or Emeritus. Lecturers, adjunct, and visiting instructors are not allowed. 

Step 1: Topic and Advisor  (Previous quarter)

  • Read at least 3 scholarly articles to narrow down your topic. (the central question/topic must be on a globalization theme)
  • Search for a Faculty Advisor (Adjunct Professors are not allowed. Check instructor's title HERE)

Step 2: Enroll in 199 (by Week 1)

  • Ask Faculty advisor to submit Faculty Form by Wed of week 1 of term of enrollment
  • Submit signed contract by email ( to enroll in Glbl St 199 by Wed of week 1 of term of enrollment to GS Advising office. Contract must include a short paragraph that includes your research topic/question and explains what you are trying to answer.
Glbl St 199 Deliverables
 Weeks    Assignments
 Wk 1  Enroll in Glbl St Capstone Course Website (sample papers, FAQ's and more)
Wk 1&2  Attend two Undergraduate Research Center Cornerstone Research Series Workshops by week 2 of term  of enrollment
Wk 2  Schedule bi-weekly meeting with your advisor to receive periodic feedback on your paper
Wk 2-10  Spend 6-8 hours weekly completing assigned readings, writing  and meeting with advisor
Wk 10  Submit 10-15 final paper and proof of attendance to workshops to GS advising office to receive credit for capstone. Must submit final paper to faculty advisor to receive grade.


2. One Quarter of Internship Experience

Students find their own internship OR participate in a UCLA-sponsored program listed below and enroll in I A STD 195CE to receive credit.


  • Senior standing (135 units or more) and complete at least one core course (Glbl St 102, 103, or 104).
  • Internships must relate to globalization and deal with issues that involve crossing international borders. 
  •   Internship must be a min of 80 hours and 8 weeks during a quarter. On campus internships are not eligible. See additional eligibility HERE

International students should consult the Dashew Center prior to beginning their internship research process*

Self-placed Internships




 Enroll in Glbl St Capstone Bruinlearn to see previously approved internships and FAQs

Check out relevant companies and orgs listed on our Career tab

Create Handshake account to search for internships

Junior Year
Search for internships  (process can take at least 5-7 months). Some federal internships require applications 1 year prior. Transfer students: begin process no later than Spring of Junior Year. See other options below under Internship Sites.
       Petition once you find an Internship and are interviewing for it, submit Capstone Interest Petition Form for approval (allow two weeks for processing).

  Enroll in I A STD 195CE course by following these STEPS once your internship is secured and approved.

UC-Sponsored Internship Programs

The programs below offer internship options that may fulfill the GS capstone requirement. Students must submit a petition form to check  internship eligibility and enroll in an internship course (I A STD 195CE or equivalent) while participating in these programs. 

UC Center Sacramento (UCCS) 

 UCLA Quarter in Washington (UCDC) 

UCEAP Internship Programs  

D.C. Fellows Summer in Washington Program 

UCLA Global Internship Program

Students should plan around required Summer Glbl St travel study program. 

Soph/JuniorYear Enroll in Glbl St Capstone Bruinlearn to see previously approved internships and FAQs

  Search for UC-Sponsored Internship programs and apply. Some programs require applications 1 year prior.
 Junior Year Once you find the program, meet with a GS advisor to make sure the internship course (typically I A STD 195CE) and internship site is eligible.
   Petition once Internship site is secured by submitting a Capstone Interest Petition Form for approval (allow two weeks for processing).

Study Abroad is required for Global Studies majors and optional for Global Studies minors. 

Effective Fall 2024: Global Studies majors are encouraged to fulfill the study abroad requirement through our Global Studies Travel Program. Alternatively, students may petition to satisfy this with two UCEAP courses or complete the requirement domestically. Please consult a Global Studies counselor to discuss your options.

Select the links below to learn more about each program.

Travel Study +

SUMMER Global Studies Summer Travel Study

**Check each program's website to confirm they are offered a particular year


Scholarships Available

Note: 2025 programs will be confirmed by November, 2024

  • THE HAGUE | The Global Governance of International Human Rights
  • PARIS | Global Challenges in Postcolonial France 
  • SINGAPORE | Business and Leadership
                                               travel pictures of japan  





  • 10 UCLA graded units (two classes)
  • All programs are taught in English (there are no language prerequisites).
  • 3-4 week-long summer programs
  • Financial aid might cover part of the cost, check with Financial Aid office for details.  
  • Registration begins on November 18. To register, visit the IEO website

    ** DACA/undocumented students who are not able to participate in travel study may fulfill this requirement domestically. Please meet with a Global Studies counselor to explore your options. 

UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) +

Summer, semester and year-long programs in 42 countries. Take a Virtual World Tour to explore available locations! Many offer internships, research, and volunteer opportunities. Financial Aid available.  


Approval Process

  1. Check deadlines ahead of time and choose a program
  2. Use database below to search for pre-approved courses for Global Studies*
  3. Email course descriptions for pre-approval (allow 2 weeks for review): send 5-6 descriptions of courses dealing with globalization to the GS advising office. 
  4. GS major applicants must apply to a EAP program or register in travel study to be eligible for the major.
  5. Submit official petitions upon your return. Courses must be 4 units and Upper Division
  6.  *See College Website for College GE requirements



See Checklist here


See Database here


Visit the UCLA International Education Office for a complete list of programs.


Quarter in Washington (UCDC) +

Researching World Politics: can be used to satisfy the Governance and Conflict requirement as long as the paper focuses on globalization. Students must have paper topic pre-approved. Some examples of acceptable topics are:

• What explains support for trade, international finance, migration, or foreign direct investment
• The role of social media in spreading misinformation globally (not just the US)
• Globalization and the rise of the Far Right globally (or insert other problems like climate change)
• The role of international organizations in solving global problems (for example, climate change, the Russia-Ukraine war, development, terrorism, the Iran Nuclear Deal, regulating social media companies)

Power and Purpose: Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy: can be used to satisfy the Governance and Conflict requirement

I A STD 195CE: can be petitioned for Senior Capstone (internship must relate to globalization and deal with issues that involve crossing international borders)

Deadline to apply: Monday, Week 2 of Fall Quarter

Mandatory Meeting: Tuesday, October 15th, 2024



  • Spend 2-3 quarters researching a topic on globalization you are passionate about
  • Individual mentorship from a UCLA faculty member
  • Departmental Honors recognition on diploma and transcript 
  • Strengthen research skills for graduate school and career
  • Satisfy your Senior Capstone Requirement


  • Be officially declared as an GS major
  • Completion of GS courses: (GS 102, 103, and 104)
  • Minimum 3.5 GPA for all upper division GS courses
  • Requirements and expectations can be found on our Honors Booklet below.


  • Fall: Glbl St 199 (optional)- Literature Review & 2 Workshops
  • Winter: Glbl St 199A- Outline/First Draft
  • Spring: Glbl St 199B- Final 35-50 Page Thesis


A good research question is not descriptive but explanatory-that is, it will produce explanations not descriptions or summaries. For example, rather than, “what is a slum?”, it should could be something more like “How do slums perpetuate racial inequality in Brazil?”


  1. Check thesis samples and previous faculty advisors
  2. Workshop (narrowing down your topic, finding sources, organizing information, etc.)
  3. Complete this worksheet to start narrowing down your topic
  4. Global Studies Library Resource Guide: Find journals and sources for your thesis.
  5. Make an appointment with our Global Studies Librarian: Joseph Yue,




Honors Guidelines Booklet Application (gmail account required)  
Faculty Form 



Past GS Theses  Writing Assistance





These are also available on the WI+RE website, and on the Library's YouTube channel!

mac icon


windows icon


Visit the UCLA Center for Scholarships and Enrichment for additional assistance


All Regions



Program-Specific Aid

Students studying abroad through programs below are eligible for funding.

General Study Abroad Scholarship Sites

  • UCLA Summer Travel Study Scholarships & Other Scholarship Opportunities
  • UCLA Scholarship Resource Center-Study Abroad Scholarships
    Search for scholarships, grants, & fellowships. Located at 233 Covel Commons. For more information, call (310) 206-2875
    Forum on Financial Aid-Sources and Tips for Study Abroad Funding
  • UCLA Career Center Lab & UCLA Library
    There are numerous books available that highlight financial aid for specific programs and destinations. Here are a few to look into:
    • Financial Aid for Study Abroad by Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David Weber.
    • Work, Study, Travel Abroad: The Whole World Handbook, Council on International Educational Exchange.
    • Financial aid for research and creative activities abroad, Reference Service uclPress.
    • Financial aid for study and training abroad, Reference Service Press.
    • Financial resources for international study: a guide for U.S. nationals, Institution of International Education.



UCLA Undergraduate Research Center Awards:

  • Travel Grants
    Funding for presenting a paper at a regional / national conference
  • UCLA Undergraduate Research Fellows Program
    2-quarter (Winter and Spring) research project / honors thesis
  • UCLA Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP)
    Completion of Honors Thesis or 199 project during senior year


  • UndocuBruins Fellowship Program: a fellowship program that ensures all students, regardless of immigration status, have the opportunity to receive financial support and achieve their educational and professional goals. Application closes August 29th, 2022.
  • Mariposa Achivement Project (MAP) Scholarship: MAP Scholarship was created to support undocumented students cover the cost of academic materials. Application will close on September 23, 2022.

Summer Research Opportunities


Meet your Major/Minor Advisors!

We strive to provide holistic and comprehensive support to our students through one-on-one advising, workshops and events. Our ultimate goal is to encourage our students to make a positive impact in the world both during and after their college careers as informed and responsible global citizens.


Global Studies & IDS Advisor Sandy Valdivieso

Sandy Valdivieso

Global Studies & IDS Advisor

Liz Alvarez

We can assist you with:

• Thoughtful academic and professional planning
• Exploration of research
• Inspire internship opportunities and experiences abroad
• Helping you connect your major to your career and personal goals
• Clarifying the scope and requirements of the major or minor

Contact your Counseling Unit with questions about GE/IGETC Requirements, Course Add/Drop Petitions, Degree Plan Contracts, College-specific requirements, Holds, Grad Checks, Probation status, Readmission, etc.

Contact the Registrar's Office with questions about registration, fees, classes, etc.- view FAQ's

E-mail us:  

Please include your name and UID in all emails.


Current UCLA students only. If you're not a UCLA student, please e-mail us. The appointment will be cancelled if you're not present (online or in person) within 5 minutes of the scheduled time. Our offices are located in Bunche Hall 10270 & 10274. MY.UCLA APPOINTMENT SCHEDULER