This webinar will address how teachers and students can harness the power and avoid the pitfalls of AI in the classroom.
Friday, October 27, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM (Pacific Time)
Registration Required
COTSEAL Membership Required

Through demonstrating how to use a wide variety of Generative AI tools, participants will learn how to use AI to generate prompts, rubrics, diagrams, differentiated texts, image generation, study tools, assessment generators, and more. Participants will come away with a wide variety of activities and AI tools that they can use right away in their classes.
- review what Generative AI is and is not
- review some of the pitfalls of Generative AI and how to model use for students
- review how teachers can use Generative AI to save time in text and image generation
- Review how students can use Generative AI for differentiation, learning support, and research tools
Maureen Lamb is the Dean of Faculty, Dean of Academic Technology and Innovative Pedagogy, and Latin Instructor at the Ethel Walker School in Simsbury, CT. She is committed to creating an inclusive and engaging classroom environment that helps all students reach their learning potential. She was most recently recognized for her work the ACTFL/IALLT Teaching with Technology K-12 award (2022-2023) and the SCS/ACL K-12 Classics Teaching Award (2022-2023). She was also the Connecticut Language Teacher of the Year (2016-2017), a Fulbright teacher (2009), and the Classical Association of New England Weinecke Award winner, among other things.
The webinar is free for COTSEAL members.
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Co-sponsored by UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies.
Sponsor(s): Center for Southeast Asian Studies