Thursday, March 2, 2023
12:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Zoom Webinar

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This research consists of a comparative study of Brazilian and Chinese urbanization processes. The hypothesis is that the externalization of Chinese development, expressed in projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative, once reshaping the global built environment, represents a new moment in Brazilian urban and territorial trends. China is now the largest trade partner, one of the largest investors, and participates in many strategic infrastructure projects in Brazil. The two first governments of Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (from 2003 to 2011) marked a structural shift in the relationship between the two countries, and 2023 suggests a new shifting point. This study analyzes elements such as FDI, the state, and the built environment (roads, bridges, railways…) from a comparative perspective, between 2001 and 2024.
Rubens Marcelo de Campos Pinto
LAI Visiting Scholar
Cost : Free and Open to the Public
Download file: Rubens-Pinto-PWRN-Event-Poster-lc-y0y.pdf
Sponsor(s): Latin American Institute, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Asia Pacific Center