Lecture by Rhacel Salazar Parreñas, University of Southern California
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM (Pacific Time)
Live via Zoom

How do sending states manage labor migration to precarious occupations? Professor Parreñas will address this question by examining the Philippine state migration of domestic workers. Using interviews with government officials, agency staff and workers, she shows how the state legitimizes their promotion of migration by infusing care in their disciplining of domestic workers to be subservient workers.
Rhacel Salazar Parreñas is Professor of Sociology and Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of Southern California. She is an ethnographer whose current research empirically focuses on contemporary experiences of servitude and engages theories of freedom and morals to analyze the constitution of migrant workers as "unfree" laborers. Her areas of research include labor, gender, international migration, the family and economic sociology. An author of numerous articles and books, her seminal works include the monographs Servants of Globalization: Migration and Domestic Work; Illicit Flirtations: Labor, Migration and Sex Trafficking in Tokyo; and Children of Global Migration: Transnational Families and Gendered Woes. She is the co-editor of the Stanford University Press Book Series on Globalization in Everyday Life.
RSVP required for webinar (click here)
This public webinar is presented in conjunction with the UCLA winter course Sociology 180A (Asian Community: Border-Crossing, Diasporic Formation, and Social Transformation in Asia), with generous funding from the Eurasia Foundation (from Asia).
For questions about the event, please contact asia@international.ucla.edu
Sponsor(s): Asia Pacific Center, Center for Study of International Migration, Center for Southeast Asian Studies