Friday, July 23, 2021
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Pacific Time)

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Friday, July 23 (Times in PDT) 

Time Converter:

12:00 to 12:1PM PDT: Opening

12:15 to 1:15PM: Workshop

The Role of Proficiency-oriented, Performance-based Reading Assessments in Second Language Reading Instruction

Dr. Ahmet Dursun, University of Chicago

Dr. Ahmet Dursun is the Director of the Office of Language Assessment and co-founder of the Language Pedagogy Innovation Initiative (LPII) at the University of Chicago where he has been designing and leading workshops in second language assessment and pedagogy. His work focusing on computer-assisted language teaching, testing research and practice, and test validation have appeared in multiple peer-reviewed journals, edited volumes, and books. He speaks Kurdish, Turkish, and Arabic.

This session highlights the need for reading assessments that measure the ability to use language to equip second language learners with the specific reading skills that meet real-life, functional reading outcomes, which in turn, serve them to function in a variety of contexts. The session will present the process of designing proficiency-oriented and performance-based reading assessments, first by identifying and defining target reading functions (i.e., test construct) and then creating the blueprint (i.e., test specifications) for the test. Then it will present the key considerations in choosing task inputs, prompts and instructions in the development phase. The presentation will end with a brief analysis and examples of previous and new versions of the reading assessment tasks to exemplify the shift from measuring the knowledge about language to a model that measures the ability to use language functionally in the target language use domain and how this shift may impact teaching practices.
1:15 to 2:15PM: COTSEAL Individual Presentations
  • Task-based Language Teaching for Beginning Vietnamese Language Class: An Action Research Study - Hoa Le (University of Hawai’i at Manoa)
  • Acquisition of First and Second Languages: An Approach to Teaching Vietnamese for Heritage Students - Yen Kim Nguyen (University of Washington)
  • Applying the Four Strands in Southeast Asian Language Instruction:  The Case of Vietnamese - Huy Phung, (University of Hawai’i at Manoa)

2:15 to 3:15PM: COTSEAL/SEALC Business Meeting

Saturday, July 24 (Times in PDT)

11:00AM to 12:00PM PDT: Oral Proficiency Guidelines (OPG) Project: Lessons Learned

  • Dr. Erlin Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Madison 
  • Dr. San San Hnin Tun, INALCO, France
  • Maw Maw Tun, Northern Illinois University
  • Chan Lwin, Arizona State University
  • Maria Theresa Savella, Cornell University
  • Dr. Elisabeth Arti Wulandari, Clarkson University
  • Pittaya Paladroi-Shane, Ohio University

12:00 to 1:00PM: COTSEAL Individual Presentations

  • How Online SEA Language Courses Benefit College Students - Thuba Nguyen (UCLA)
  • Project-Based Approach in the Teaching SEA Languages and How to Implement It in the Virtual Classroom in This Pandemic - Nouke Sudiono Tyler (Washington State University)
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall in Virtual Language Class during the Pandemic - ThuyAnh Nguyen (University of Michigan)

1:00 to 1:15PM: Break 

1:15 to 2:15PM: SEA Language Specific Panels (Parallel Sessions)

2:15 to 3:15PM: SEA Language Specific Group Business Meetings

3:15 to 3:45PM: SEALC Outreach at Language Specific Group Meetings

3:45 to 4PM: Closing


Please register by July 20 at



Note: A Zoom link will be emailed ONLY to those who have registeredRegistration is free to COTSEAL members and $40 for non-members. Please click:  Membership Form for information about COTSEAL membership.

For more information about the conference, please email Dr. Juliana Wijaya, COTSEAL President  

Co-sponsored by Southeast Asian Languages Council and UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies.

Sponsor(s): Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Southeast Asian Languages Council