Friday, May 14, 2021
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Registration Required

SEALC invites applications for an academic publication workshop hosted by UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies.
The goal of this workshop is to support Southeast Asian language instructors who are interested in submitting their work to academic journals but have little to no prior experience in publishing academically. Participants will be coached by Donna M. Brinton, retired Lecturer in the Department of Applied Linguistics and TESL at UCLA, in an interactive, webinar style workshop.
Webinar 1: The Role of Publication in Teacher Professional Development
Friday, May 14, 2021 | 1-3 PM PT / 3-5 PM CT / 4-6 PM ET / 10 AM – 12 PM HT
This webinar focuses on the importance of publication as part of the overall process of professional development. Participants will gain an enhanced understanding of the publication process, beginning with manuscript conception and continuing through determination of relevant journals, submission to the editor, responding to reviewer comments, and submission of the revised publication. Primary focus will be on the factors required for successful publication in the field of language teaching.
Webinar 2: Enhancing Your Chances of Getting Your Research Published
Saturday, May 15, 2021 | 1-3 PM PT / 3-5 PM CT / 4-6 PM ET / 10 AM – 12 PM HT
This webinar focuses on how participants can enhance their chances of getting published. Included will be discussion of the various options for submissions (e.g., materials review, literature review, research report), relevant research options (e.g., case study, classroom research, action research), citation requirements and citation resources, issues of academic integrity, and tips for manuscript preparation. Primary focus will be on adhering to standards expected for publication in the field of language teaching.
Eligibility and How to Apply
Applicants must be instructors of a SE Asian language and active members of COTSEAL. To apply for or renew COTSEAL membership, click here. Participants must commit to attending both workshop sessions. Following the workshop, applicants will submit one of the following:
A one-page reflection on how the workshop has impacted their publishing goals and where they plan on publishing
A draft abstract for an article
A proposal for a panel presentation at a national conference
The application for this workshop can be found here.
Applications must be submitted by May 3, 2021.
The workshop will be highly interactive and space is limited, we encourage instructors to apply as soon as possible. There is no registration fee for this workshop. For questions about this workshop, please email
Sponsor(s): Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Southeast Asian Language Council