The Indonesian Studies Program offers summer travel grants to both UCLA graduate and undergraduate students to conduct research in Indonesia.
Through a generous gift of Ms. Julia Gouw, the UCLA Center for
Southeast Asian Studies offers travel grants to support field research in Indonesia.
The funding is available to only UCLA graduate students and undergraduate students who have are in their sophomore year when applying. Undergraduates are especially encouraged to apply.
Fellowships are anticipated to be in the $2,000 - $3,000 range disbursed with summer financial aid. Grant
recipients will be required upon their return to write a 1-2 page report
of their activities while in Indonesia as they relate to the proposed
research project and potentially to participate in an oral presentation
of research supported by the Indonesian Studies Program.
Interested students should submit:
- a 1-2 page proposal that explains the research activity and its
rationale along with a timeline and indication of the place(s) in
Indonesia to be visited
- a CV (please include relevant courses taken)
- an unofficial transcript
- an itemized budget (please include estimated airfare,
transportation within Indonesia, accommodations, visa fees, materials
and supplies, etc.)
- one letter of recommendation from an academic adviser/faculty mentor
Applications usually open around the start of spring quarter. Check back on our website for more information.
For more info please contact:
Nguyet Tong