Opening Remarks:
- Michael Berry (Director of UCLA Center for Chinese Studies - Asian Languages and Cultures)
- Andrea Goldman (Interim Director of UCLA Asia Pacific Center - History)
Following opening remarks, this event will feature an exhibition on Taiwan Literature along with a dialogue between author Po-Ching Chen and Professor Michael Berry. Note: The event will be delivered in Mandarin with English interpretation.
About the Author
Po-ching Chen, born in Taichung in 1983, is a graduate of National Taiwan University’s Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature. He is a recipient of many awards, including the Global Youth Chinese Literary Award, the United Daily News Literature Award, the China Times Literature Award, the Lin Rong San Literature Award, the Taiwan Literature Award, and the Liang Shih-chiu Literature Award. His works have been included in
Collected Works of Young Prose Writers: Chinese-English Works from Taiwan and Selections from Emerging Authors on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait, and has been featured in Chiu Ko's
Annual Selected Prose multiple times.
Unitas has honored him as Taiwan’s Most Anticipated Under-40 Novelist. His novel
The Little City, published under the pen name Ye Fu-li, also won Chiu Ko’s 2 Million NTD Honorable Mention and the Silver Prize at the 3rd World Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Prize. He has also published an essay collection,
Mr. Adult, the novel
Scream Connection (which won the 2020 Openbook Good Reads Award for Chinese Writing), and the novella
Dirty Things.
陳栢青,1983 年台中生。台灣大學台灣文學研究所畢業。曾獲全球華人青年文學獎、中國時報文學獎、聯合報文學獎、林榮三文學獎、台灣文學獎、梁實秋文學獎等。作品曾入選《青年散文作家作品集──中英對照台灣文學選集》、《兩岸新銳作家精品集》,並多次入選《九歌年度散文選》。獲《聯合文學》雜誌譽為「台灣四十歲以下最值得期待的小說家」。另曾以筆名葉覆鹿出版小說《小城市》,以此獲九歌兩百萬文學獎榮譽獎、第三屆全球華語科幻星雲獎銀獎。另著有散文集《Mr. Adult 大人先生》、長篇小說《尖叫連線》(獲2020Openbook 好書獎「年度中文創作」)、短篇小說集《髒東西》。