Earn a $500 summer stipend and showcase your research on our website!

The UCLA Program on Central Asia invites students to submit proposals for short videos about the Central Asian region. Videos should be approximately 5 minutes in length and focus on some aspect of Central Asia. We are particularly interested in videos about your research for a course or project, or your personal experiences studying or traveling abroad. Student videos will be featured at a screening to be held during International Education Week in mid-November 2022. They will be also be posted on the Program on Central Asia website to highlight the variety of student work about this fascinating and often overlooked part of the world.

Current undergraduate and graduate students at UCLA are eligible. Students who would like to contribute video content should submit a brief application that includes a 200-word description of their proposed project. Faculty will review these applications, and students whose proposals are accepted will receive a $500 summer stipend. The deadline for video submission will be October 14, 2022.

We encourage applicants to be creative in using the video medium to describe, explain, and celebrate the Central Asian region. To the extent possible, you should avoid using any copyrighted music and images, unless you are able to personally obtain clearances. When complete, videos should be in .mp4 or .mov format. Students are welcome to use any available equipment or applications to record and edit their videos. Completed videos must include captions or subtitles.

Apply Here (click for application)
Deadline for proposals: September 16, 2022

For more info please contact:
Asia Pacific Center

Published: Wednesday, July 13, 2022