Webinar Series: Natural Resource Policy, Culture and Law: Land and Water Governance and Minority Peoples in the Asia-Pacific
This session involves a discussion of traditional knowledge and traditional laws affect the use of Indigenous lands and waters. Both international instruments and national laws have identified the importance of traditional knowledges, law and culture as a basis for land and water management. At the same time, these knowledges and law interact with state law and land and water management policies. This session will explore use of traditional knowledges and law and how it has been used to address particular shortcoming and enhance the effectiveness in state management and policy and how it might be implemented more effectively by Indigenous peoples in their land and water management schemes.
Moderator: Daya Dakasi (Da-Wei Kuan) (National Cheng-Chi University)
Acknowledgement of Country: UNE PVC Indigenous Joe Frazer
- Marcelle Burns (UNE) & Shawn Hooper (University of New England Land and Sea Hub): “Cultural burning and resource management”
- Marise Stuart, Te Ao Mauri Ora Ltd, Fulbright Scholar; Ngārimu VC & 28th Māori Battalion Scholar; Stryker Fellow Harvard Medical School
- Brian McInnis (University of Wisconsin Madison): “Traditional law and the Georgian Bay Biosphere”