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Podcast: Central Asia Today: Empire and Reimaging the Past

Eurasian Empires Seminar Series Lecture by Martha Brill Olcott, Carnegie Endowment

Martha Brill Olcott is professor emerita at Colgate University, and Visiting Professor at James Madison College of Michigan State University. Olcott has been Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment of International Peace, since 1995, and in July will be moving to the Center of Strategic and International Studies as a senior associate in their Russia and Eurasia Program. She is the author of several books on Central Asia including most recently Tajikistan’s Difficulty Development Path (2013) and In the Whirlwind of Jihad (2012), as well as Kazakhstan’s Unfulfilled Promise (revised edition, 2010).

The 2013-2014 seminar series, Eurasian Empires & Central Asian Peoples: The Backlands in World History, is co-sponsored by the UCLA Program on Central Asia and the Center for Near Eastern Studies. Click here for more information about the series.

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Duration: 51:20


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Published: Monday, July 14, 2014