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Podcast: Looking Inland: From the Coast to the Steppe in Eurasian History

Eurasian Empires Series Inaugural Forum

How different does the history of Eurasia’s empires appear when we take into account continental interactions with Asians as well as coastal encounters with Europeans? By comparing perspectives from the coast with history seen from the continental interior, this conversational forum asks what the study of inland Central Asia adds to our understanding of world history. Bringing together UCLA experts on the Ottoman, Qing and Mughal empires, the forum asks what is gained or lost by viewing these empires from the littoral or the interior and whether continental and maritime histories are best compared or connected? In exploring these large framing questions, "Looking Inland" serves as the inaugural forum for a year-long seminar series on Eurasian Empires & Central Asian Peoples: The Backlands in World History.


  • Nile Green, Director, Program on Central Asia
  • Gabriel Piterberg, Director, Center for Near Eastern Studies
  • Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Doshi Chair of Indian History
  • R. Bin Wong, Director, UCLA Asia Institute

The 2013-2014 seminar series, Eurasian Empires & Central Asian Peoples: The Backlands in World History, is co-sponsored by the UCLA Program on Central Asia and the Center for Near Eastern Studies. Click here for more information about the series.

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Duration: 1:49:43


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Published: Friday, November 15, 2013