S. Priya Morley
Racial Justice Policy Counsel, Promise Institute for Human Rights
Department: UCLA Law
385 Charles E. Young Drive East
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Keywords: Africa, Canada, Gender, Human Rights, Law, Mexico, Haiti, Immigration, Racism, Migrations
S. Priya Morley is the Racial Justice Policy Counsel at the Promise Institute for Human Rights at UCLA School of Law, where she is providing leadership on academic, advocacy, and policy initiatives at the intersection of racial justice and critical approaches to human rights. She is also Co-Director of the International Human Rights Clinic and an Affiliated Faculty Member of the Critical Race Studies Program at UCLA Law.
Drawing on her background in international human rights, and knowledge of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), Priya works alongside other Promise Institute faculty and affiliates to synthesize, translate, and disseminate their research on racial justice in ways that are accessible and engaging to a wider audience. She also works to connect the Promise Institute with local, national, and transnational coalitions working towards social change. Priya’s own research explores how race intersects with migration and climate justice, particularly in the Americas. She is also interested in gender and human rights, feminist legal theory, and the regulation of sex work.