1. Download and install the Cisco Anyconnect VPN from UCLA BOL's website: https://help.bol.ucla.edu/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=kb0010924
2. Click Cisco AnyConnect Client for Mac OS X to download it.
4. Run the dmg file that is downloaded.
5. In some cases you may get the following screen:
6. To install the application, go to System Preferences by clicking on the Apple symbol in the top-left corner.
7. Click Security and Privacy.
8. Click Open Anyway. If you can't click it, click the lock symbol to unlock your settings. Then, you can click it.
9. Click Continue to install the application.
10. Once the application is installed you can open it by searching for Cisco in your Applications folder. Open the application. Type in "vpn.international.ucla.edu" into the address bar and click Connect.
11. In the login popup, type in your VPN username and password, and click OK. If you do not have your VPN username or password, please contact the IT help desk at help@international.ucla.edu.
12. Congratulations! Now you are connected to UCLA via VPN provided by AnyConnect. You can establish a VPN connection again any time by opening the application and entering your password.
Published: Thursday, August 6, 2015