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    The UCLA faculty who lead the centers of the International Institute and teach in its academic programs are notable researchers in their respective fields. In addition to regularly receiving book awards and other academic honors for their scholarly work, many are recognized for their superb teaching.

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    A large cohort of the institute's undergraduate students every year choose to write a senior thesis (global studies program) or a departmental honors' thesis (international development studies). Still others win scholarships to conduct an in-depth research project in a variety of topics.


The International Institute and its affiliated centers and programs promote multidisciplinary research and provide platforms, such as conferences and publications, for the dissemination of research findings.


Image for Translation, disinformation and a Guggenheim Fellowship

Translation, disinformation and a Guggenheim Fellowship

Michael Berry has received a 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship in translation. The award follows a tumultuous, but very productive, last three years.

Image for Min Zhou elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Min Zhou elected to the National Academy of Sciences

The honor for the sociologist and director of the UCLA Asia Pacific Center follows her election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2022.

Image for Superb global studies teachers honored by UCLA

Superb global studies teachers honored by UCLA

Global studies teachers Hannah Appel and Arjun Krishna have both received a 2023 UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award. The duo teamed on two International Institute courses during the 2021–22 academic year, when Bruins returned to the classroom after a year and a half of remote learning.

Image for Q&A with Susanna Hecht, winner of the 2023 Brunn Award in Geography

Q&A with Susanna Hecht, winner of the 2023 Brunn Award in Geography

The director of the Center for Brazilian Studies receives the Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography on March 24. In honor of the occasion, Hecht answers questions about the award, her research and the current state of Amazon rainforest.

Image for Human rights and solidarity in a postcolonial world

Human rights and solidarity in a postcolonial world

The work and teaching of David Kim grapple with the challenge of human rights in a post-colonial world, cosmopolitanism and solidarity, as well as an array of German authors.


Image for International Institute seniors distinguish themselves through activism, research and academic performance

International Institute seniors distinguish themselves through activism, research and academic performance

Four stellar International Institute seniors won awards from the International Development Studies Program, and a global studies senior built an impressive foundation in consulting and research skills that led to a full-time job.

Image for Global studies framework connects senior

Global studies framework connects senior's life, family heritage and international interests

“I stumbled upon global studies, which, as an interdisciplinary major, felt very much geared toward what I wanted to study. I felt the skills that I would learn were very malleable and transferable,” says graduating senior Jordy Magallanes.

Image for IDS senior balanced international studies with social justice activism

IDS senior balanced international studies with social justice activism

Sophie Zane pursued a double major, wrote a departmental honors thesis and — in true Bruin fashion — volunteered for several social justice organizations during her undergraduate studies.

Image for Studying the modern Ethiopian state from the ground up

Studying the modern Ethiopian state from the ground up

Galaan Hayle spent the summer of 2022 on a coffee farm about 70 to 80 miles outside of Addis Ababa, conducting research on coffee checkpoints.

Image for Fieldwork in Guatemala sheds light on global health work

Fieldwork in Guatemala sheds light on global health work

“It was a really great first-hand experience to see how a public health program is implemented in a country with limited resources and hard-to-reach communities,” said Mia Giordano of her fieldwork in Guatemala last summer.