Funding Opportunities

Dissertation Fieldwork Fellowship for International Studies
Left: Rice fields in Laos. (Photo: Anna Hoch-Kenney.) Right: Balme Library, University of Ghana, Accra. (Photo: Enoch Appiah, Jr..). Courtesy of Unsplash.

Dissertation Fieldwork Fellowship for International Studies


The UCLA International Institute announces the International Dissertation Fieldwork Fellowship open to UCLA advanced doctoral students in good standing whose research focuses on one or more aspects of international or regional studies.

These awards are targeted for research abroad that is necessary or important for advancing the student’s scholarship. Applicants must have completed all coursework for the Ph.D. degree and must be advanced to candidacy prior to undertaking field research. Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply; there are no citizenship restrictions.

International Institute Fieldwork Fellowship funds are limited and are intended to be used as a supplement to other funding sources. Therefore, the Committee will only consider requests to cover travel to and from fieldwork sites — airfare and any necessary ground transportation only. The maximum award will be $2500. Awards amounts may vary according to the project and the proposed budget, with the precise award amounts to be determined by the Fellowship Selection Committee.

Applicants’ dissertation research topics must have theoretical or comparative significance and may include one or more regional foci.

Duplicate awards for the same fieldwork travel activities are not permitted. If selected for the award, students must notify the International Institute if a duplicate sources becomes available.

Application Procedures
• Applications must be submitted online no later than May 6, 2024.
• Letters of recommendation must be received no later than May 9, 2024.

Apply Online here (or plug and paste this URL into your browser:

Applications must include:
• a curriculum vitae (PDF) with clear indication of ABD status
• a short abstract of the dissertation (2–3 pages; no word count limit)
• a specific plan for proposed field research (up to 500 words)
• an itemized budget that clearly specifies estimated costs of necessary air and ground transportation.
• two references (one preferably from your faculty advisor) (to be submitted online; applicants should notify references to look for system-generated email requests. We are not requesting a formal letter of reference, just a short statement from your advisor about the importance of this trip.)