Ask yourself: Which competencies are your strongest? Which would you like to improve?
Proactively develop career through:
Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons in and outside organization
Identify and respond to needs based upon understanding of situational context and logical analysis of relevant information
Recognize and capitalize on personal and team strengths to achieve organizational goals
Understand and leverage technologies ethically to enhance efficiencies, complete tasks, and accomplish goals
What career path would combine your skills and your interests? Explore your options with these Career Center resources! Activate your Handshake account to use these tools.
Free assessment tool on Handshake to match your skills and interests to career options.
Find out what it's really like to work in a specific industry or profession. Access through Handshake.
Find UCLA alumni and networking events on UCLA ONE and start connecting today!
Use VMOCK, a 24/7 smart resume tool, to build your resume and get detailed feedback.
Search for jobs and internships abroad!
Find paid micro-internship opportunities for all majors and class levels on Parker Dewey.
Watch "Before you Apply: Is Grad School Right for You?" Explore areas like health or law.
Discuss your interests and create a personalized career plan! Make an appointment through Handshake.
Accountant Communication and Administration Analyst Development Director Financial Services and Insurance Manager Financial Analyst Human Resources Associate Project Manager Realtor Senior Coordinator for International Promotions Strategy Consultant Trade and Investment Manager
Bilingual Quality, Training, and Compliance Specialist College Counselor Diversity Programs Coordinator Elementary/Middle School/High School Teacher Inclusion Specialist Independent Research Consultant Professor of Anthropology and African & Latin American Studies Research Librarian for Humanities and Literature
Attorney Community and Government Relations Operations Manager Foreign Service Officer Intellectual Property Associate Legal Assistant Presidential Staff Officer Veteran Service Representative Visa Specialist
Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst Front-End Web Developer IT Specialist Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Telehealth Project Coordinator
Creative Director/Copywriter Life Coach and Podcast Host Marketing Specialist Museum Professional, Researcher, and Community Organizer Public Relations Screenwriter Special Events Manager Videographer and Editor
Internship Academic Credit
International and Area Studies 195CE (I A STD 195CE) allows students to receive 4 units of academic credit for an internship. I A STD 195CE is offered through the Center of Community Learning every Spring and Summer. The internship should take place off-campus and may be paid or unpaid. It is expected that interns will contribute roughly 8-10 hours each week to their internship. To make sure your internship is eligible for internship credit, visit the Center for Community Engagement page.
Credit for Major/Minor
Students may petition to apply I A STD 195CE towards their major or minor. Please submit your petition through the Petition Form for your major/minor under "Current Students." Please consult with your major/minor counselor for information on which requirement this course may fulfill.
Global Studies Students can also use I A STD 195CE to fulfill their Senior Capstone. More information can be found here.
In Summer, I A STD 195CE is only offered during Session A, and is a 10-week course. Internships must overlap with a minimum of 8 weeks out of the 10 week session to be eligible for credit. 195CE courses are NOT offered during Summer Session C. To enroll in the course for Spring or Summer, students must secure an internship and schedule an intake appointment at the Center for Community Learning.
Internship Funding
Kramer & Siebert International Internship Scholarships:
Multiple scholarships of at least $1,000 will be awarded to students who have secured internships during Summer. Students demonstrating financial need, who are participating in internships abroad, who are advancing their understanding of international issues and/or financial literacy are especially encouraged to apply. Eligibility, additional information, and application available HERE.
International Students
In order to accept an internship, International Students must earn academic credit by enrolling in a course like I A STD 195CE. The internship needs to be related to your major or minor. For any questions about employment and choosing internships related to your studies, please contact the Dashew Center.
Search for jobs and internships in government. Opportunities can range from positions in consulates, embassies, governmental departments and agencies, and more.
Center for California Studies: Executive Fellowship Program
State government: placement of offices of Governor's executive branch: Health and Welfare Agency, the Department of Finance, the Department of Social Services, the Governor's Office, the California Environmental Protection Agency, and the Office of the State Treasurer
Sacramento / 1 year
$1,882 / month plus benefits
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Science
Washington D.C. and regional offices -- full-time (summer) or part-time (school year)
Political Campaign Interns: Search Government internships under Bruin View
Campaign development
Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and California
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID): Volunteer Student Intern Program
All fields relating to economic development
Washington, D.C. and global
U.S. Department of State Internship Program
Business or Public Administration, Social Work, Economics, Information Management, Journalism, and the Biological and Physical Sciences
Washington, D.C. or at Embassies / Consulates abroad / 1 semester or summer
USA Jobs. U.S. Office of Personnel Management
All Federal Government: Search: Co-Operative Education, Federal Jobs by College Major, Internships, Outstanding Scholars, Student Temp Educational Prog (STEP), Summer Employment, Volunteer Service
Search for opportunities in organizations and agencies that liase across mulitple governments.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Food Security, Rural Development
International Labor Organization
Employment, economics and statistics, labour law and labour relations, social security and conditions of work, management development, small industry development, occupational safety and health, vocational rehabilitation, vocational training, gender and development studies, elimination of child labour, social protection, information technology, human resources, financial and budget studies
Geneva, Switzerland, or Field Offices
Permanent Mission of Italy to International Organizations in Geneva
All fields
UNICEF -- Los Angeles Regional Office
International children's health and well-being: Advocacy and Fundraising
Los Angeles, semester or longer
United Nations Development Program Internship Program
All fields relating to Economic Development
Global- pursue opportunities through country offices abroad
United Nations Development Program: UN Volunteers
Disaster Relief, Development, Micro-finance, Environmental Science, Public Health
World Bank Internship Program /Young Professional Program / Junior Professionals Program
Washington, D.C.
Search for international jobs and internships in education and English teaching, health, human rights, and more.
All agriculture, rural finance, community development, business management
Overseas / 2-4 weeks (some 1-2 month assignments)
Amnesty International
Law, international politics, international human rights law, international relations, intergovernmental organizations
London, Geneva, New York / 6 months
Council on International Educational Exchange Work / Volunteer Abroad Programs
The Foundation for Sustainable Development
Microfinance / Microenterprise, Health, Environment, Gender Equity, Human Rights, Community Development, Youth and Education
8-52 Week internship in Nicaragua, Argentina, Bolivia, India, Kenya, Uganda
Global Volunteers
Education, Child Care, Construction, Public Health
Global and U.S.
Idealist -- Action without Borders
International Cooperative Education
Retail sales, supermarkets, hotels / restaurants, agriculture, offices, hospitals, banks, computer science, engineering, marketing, recreation, and teaching
Belgium, Finland, Germany, Japan, Singapore and Switzerland / 1-3 months
International Jobs Database
International Medical Corps
Registered Nurses, Physicians, Psychosocial Advisors, Emergency Medicine Personnel, Public Health, Program Directors, Finance Officers, Nurse Practitioners, Logistics and Administrative Officers
Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Angola, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Liberia, Pakistan, Russia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, and Uganda. 2 months or longer
International Rivers Network
Environmental Protection, Human Rights Advocacy
Berkeley, CA, and international: Africa, India, Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin America
International Volunteer Programs Association Database
JET: Japan Exchange and Teaching Forum
Teaching English as a Second Language
Japan / 1 year
OXFAM International
All fields relating to development
Washington, D.C., and international
Parliamentary Monitoring Group, South Africa
Democracy, Policy, Law
Cape Town, South Africa
Peace Corps
Education, Business, Environment, Agriculture, Health, Community Development
Population Services International
Social Marketing for HIV / AIDS awareness, Public Health and Health Education
Washington, D.C., Europe, Eurasia, Haiti / 1-2 semesters
International labor issues, social services, trade unions
Brussels, Belgium
Stanford University's Africa Internship Database
Africa, various countries
Transparency International
Global corruption, democratic / transitional governance, civil society
Berlin, Germany
University of Pennsylvania's Africa Internship Database
Volunteers for Peace
Volunteers in Asia
English-language education and English-language resource development
China, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Singapore, Vietnam, U.S. / 1-2 year assignments
Search for opportunities to work or intern in organizations and agencies who focus on environmental protection and sustainability, and who have partnerships across the globe.
Center for Environmental Citizenship's Earth Net
Environment and Sustainable Development
Coalition for Clean Air
Environment, Advocacy
Los Angeles
Directory of Development Organizations
All Fields relating to Development
Global: sorted by World Region- excellent in-country contact information
Environmental Careers Organization -- Sustainable Communities Leadership Program
Urban Planning, Sustainable Development, Affordable Housing
California -- 12-24 weeks
Environmental Careers Organization Internship Database
Graduate Program in International Political Economy and Development (IPED) at Fordham University's Database
Green Corps: Environmental Leadership Training Program
Boston and U.S.- 1-year
Environmental Activism
Berkeley, CA, and international
Population Institute -- Future Leaders of the World Fellowship
Population growth, family planning, environment
Washington D.C.- 1 year
Reef Check Foundation
Environment: Coral Reef Preservation
Target Earth
Sustainable Development
Belize- 8 weeks
Tufts University Development
UN Volunteers
Search for opportunities in global health that focus on issues such as HIV/AIDS, public health, reproductive health, and more.
A3M: Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches
Public Health, Asian community
African Community Resource Center
African Refugees, Domestic Violence Prevention, Community Health Education
APLA: AIDS Project Los Angeles
Public Health, AIDS/HIV Community Education / Outreach
Public Health, Latino Community
CEDPA: Center for Development and Population Activities
Women's Reproductive Health, Family Planning
Global Health Council Internship Program
International Health Facilities -- Information and Resource Development
Washington, D.C. and White River Junction, VT -- semester or summer
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
HIV/AIDS, women's health, international public health
Global / 2 months or longer
L.A. Free Clinic
Public Health and Health Education
Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)
International Public Health
New York
Operation USA:
Disaster Relief, International Public Health, Medical Supply Procurement
Port of Los Angeles
Planned Parenthood -- Los Angeles
Public Health, Reproductive Health and Education
Population Council
International Public Health, Health Education
New York, Washington, D.C., (international?)
Social Marketing for HIV/AIDS awareness, Public Health and Health Education
U.S. Doctors for Africa
HIV/AIDS, International Public Health, Africa
Los Angeles, Africa
Search for opportunities in trade and agriculture. Become exposed to issues of food security, microfinances, child labor, and more.
ACCION International
Microfinance, small loans to self-employed poor
Everett Public Service Internship
Art, Education and Communications, Economic and Social Change, Environment and Health Advocacy, Social Justice and Human Rights
*NOTE: Program is currently not offered.
Washington, D.C., New York City / 10 weeks
International Development Exchange, IDEX
Asia, Africa, Latin America: food security, indigenous people's rights, labor issues, micro-credit, popular participation, women's empowerment, youth action
San Francisco
Employment, economics and statistics, labor law and labor relations, social security and conditions of work, management development, small industry development, occupational safety and health, vocational rehabilitation, vocational training, gender and development studies, elimination of child labor, social protection, information technology, human resources, financial and budget studies
Microfinance Gateway Database
International / U.S.
Society for International Development -- Washington Chapter
Economic Development- information exchange
Washington, D.C. / 3 months or more
Watts Labor Community Action Committee
Community Development
Search for opportunities in organizations and agencies that dedicate their work to disaster relief, humanitarian aid, community development, and more.
All fields relating to domestic community development
U.S., 10 months -- 1 year
Beyond Shelter
Housing, Community Development
Bresee Foundation
Community Development, Tutoring
Center for the Pacific Asian Family
Domestic Violence Prevention, Pacific Asian Community Development
Chinatown Service Center
Translation (Cantonese), Community Outreach, Tutoring
Coro Fellows Program
Community Development, Public Service / 9 months
East Timor Action Network/L.A.
Human Rights, East Timor, Indonesia, Advocacy work
Food First
Food security, human rights
Oakland, "virtual" internships
Habitat for Humanity -- L.A. Chapter
Housing development for low-income communities, public outreach
Inter Action: American Council for Voluntary International Action Database:
Refugee Relief
Public Allies -- Los Angeles
Los Angeles / 10-month apprenticeship
Rav Tov Committee to Aid New Immigrants - Hayim Tovim Adult Day Care Center
Mr. Uri Mayerfeld 1061 S Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, CA, United States 90036 Primary Phone : (323) 937-5646 Ext: 103 Email : ravtov@juno.com Fax : (323) 937-0491
English language training, social work, Persian immigrant community development
Relief International
Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Aid
Westwood, Los Angeles
Search for jobs and internships with organizations who focus on advancing access to education and technology.
Academy for Educational Development (Family Health International)
Global education, health education and communication technology
Washington D.C. / Ongoing
America-Mideast Educational and Training Services (AMIDEAST)
Arab/Middle East studies, international education or international development
Washington, D.C. / semester or summer
Center for Democracy and Technology
Internet policy; "Cyber-liberties" advocacy, free expression and privacy in global communications technology
Institute of International Education
Education / Academic Advising to international students about U.S. education
Overseas- contact individual overseas offices
Teach for America
Public school teaching, community development
VITA: Volunteers in Technical Assistance
Training and Capacity Building in Computer/Internet Technology / Development
Search for positions in organizations dedicated to human rights, conflict resolution, public policy, advocacy, and more.
Amnesty International: Legal and International Organizations Program Internship Program
Asian Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center
Legal dispute / conflict resolution, Asian Pacific community development
Center for National Policy
Public policy think tank; policy research
CHIRLA: Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles
Immigrant Rights Advocacy, Immigration Law
*Note: Program currently not offered
Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR):
-Mariam K. Chamberlain Fellowship (9-12 months) $1600 / mth. + benefits
- IWPR/GW Fellowship in Women's Public Policy Research $10,000 stipend and tuition and fees for graduate study at George Washington University
Equal opportunity, economic and social justice for women
New Voices National Fellowship Program: Ford Foundation and Academy for Educational Development-
Foreign policy, international economic policy, peace and security, international human rights, women's rights, racial justice, migrant and refugee rights
American Friends Service Committee
Multiple internships for college students interested in social and economic justice, peacebuilding, international diplomacy
Pennsylvania, U.S.
Rock the Vote
Voting outreach
SAJE: Strategic Action for a Just Economy
Poor and working class people's rights
Transparency, Democratic governance
Women in International Security
International Affairs, Gender Issues, Security