International Development Studies

 No Application is Required until Summer 2025

Fall Application is waived this year so eligible students who have completed all preparation requirements may submit a form to be declared automatically within 3 weeks the IDS major any quarter.  


Eligibility to Declare the Major

  • Freshmen, sophomore and Junior (including newly admitted transfer students)*
  • Good academic standing (minimum 2.0 GPA cumulative).
  • Required Courses
    • Receive final grades in ALL preparation courses with a minimum UC major GPA of 2.0.
      • Note: INTL DV 1 is only offered Fall and Summer.
    • Foreign language: Level 3, equivalent to 3 quarters at UCLA. (Transfers may fulfill this with IGETC and Sophomores may be in progress with this requirement)**
    • Upper division coursework is not required prior to declaring.

* Seniors are not eligible ** Level 6 (or Spanish 5) of foreign language is required for graduation. Language can be satisfied via placement exam or native proficiency. Email us if you have taken a placement exam. More information about foreign language requirement can be found HERE.


Major Requirements

For all major requirements, please see go to the 'Current Students' tab.


Major Declaration Form  

Deadline: The form may be submitted at any time (as long as preps are completed) but no later than Summer between Junior/Senior year and September 15th, 2025. If you are completing IDS 1 Summer 25' and are a junior, submit the form by the deadline even if your grade has not been posted.

Notifications: All students who meet the minimum  eligibility will be declared within three weeks of form submission. Please plan accordingly. Be sure to check your MY.UCLA, inbox and spam folder for a decision. Please refrain from inquiring about your status before the three weeks

Double Majoring: Please follow the instructions on the form to start the double major petition process. This process only applies to those who are already declared in another major.

IMPORTANT: Before you submit the form, model your DARS for IDS and check that all preps for IDS are showing up in the correct fields. If they are not, please contact the IDS Advising Office.

 Declaration Form




  •  UCLA admitted transfer students declared under ANY major are eligible to declare the IDS major. 
  • NOTE: No Supplemental Application is Required for students entering UCLA in Fall 2024 . See "Declaring the Major" tab.
  • Sign up for summer orientation and request to attend the IDS counseling session.  E-mail us if you can't attend.
  • Find resources for transfer students here: Transfer Student Handbook and connect with the Transfer Student Center.


  • Reviewing and UCLA's Admissions page and review our website for additional major information. 
  • You may complete the foreign language requirement (intermediate level) at UCLA via placement exam (if available) or appropriate coursework, or abroad. See Foreign Language tab for more info.


If you hold an F1 visa and attended high school where instruction was not in English, the IDS foreign language requirement may be waived. Please check with your IDS counselor.  



To declare the IDS Major, completion of the elementary year (1 year) of the foreign language is acceptable.

Completion of the intermediate level of a foreign language (typically 6 quarters for most languages and 5 quarter for Spanish) is required by graduation to fulfill all major requirements.

Language courses

  • Ensure the language you are taking offers intermediate level at UCLA.
  • Spanish Courses fill up quickly so students should consider other languages if possible.
  • Courses may be completed in the summer at UCLA or a Community college. Consult with our advising office.

Other ways to complete this requirement

Please consult with our advising office for clarification

  • Language Placement Tests will give you a course recommendation. They are offered through a language's respective department. You must take the Placement Test, not the Exemption Test. *Note: Exemption Test is only for the College Foreign Language requirement. Common placement tests and deadlines. Plan accordingly as some tests are only offered once a year.
  • AP Test credit may be accepted depending on the AP score.
  • Students with an F1 visa who attended a high school where the primary language of instruction was not English may be exempt.
  • IGETC FL may be accepted as 1 year equivalent. Students must take 2nd year to complete the requirement

International Institute Events

Attend numerous events on specific world regions and pressing global issues. For upcoming International Institute Events, visit the Event Calendar. 


 Event Calendar


International Institute Open House

International Institute Career Panel

Recommended Campus Groups

  • Global Development Lab - Equips students with skills and resources necessary to foster global development initiatives.
  • GlobeMed at UCLA  - Promoting global health equity through partnerships and sustainability.

       Find more UCLA student groups HERE

Major/Minor Academic Advising

We strive to provide our students with holistic and comprehensive support through one-on-one advising, workshops and events.


Students should work in partnership with their college advisor, major advisor and other campus units to maximize their time at UCLA and make a positive impact in the world both during and after their college careers as informed and responsible global citizens.


Global Studies & IDS Advisor Sandy Valdivieso

Sandy Valdivieso

Global Studies & IDS Advisor

Liz Alvarez

Advisors Can Assist You With:

• Thoughtful academic and professional planning
• Exploration of research
• Inspire internship opportunities and experiences abroad
• Helping you connect your major to your career and personal goals
• Clarifying the scope and requirements of the major or minor

College Counseling with questions about deciding on a major, GE/IGETC Requirements, Course Add/Drop Petitions, Degree Plan Contracts, College-specific requirements, Holds, Grad Checks, Probation status, Readmission, etc.

Registrar's Office with questions about registration, fees, classes, etc.

Email Us

With questions regarding major requirements, research, internship, etc. Include your name and UID in all emails. Expect approximately 2 business days for a response. Email us here.

Virtual/In-Person Appointments

Current UCLA students only. If you're not a UCLA student, please e-mail us. Our offices are located in Bunche Hall. Please come prepared with questions and make sure you reviewed our website prior to our meeting. The appointment will be cancelled if you're not present (online or in person) within 5 minutes of the scheduled time. MY.UCLA APPOINTMENT SCHEDULER

Please note that if you miss your appointment or cancel within two hours of the appointment, it may impact your ability to schedule an appointment in the future.