African Studies M.A.

  • About Us

    Our Students' Testimonials:

    The intellectual objective of the African Studies M.A. Program is to provide graduate students an opportunity to engage in intensive study and research on Africa on an interdisciplinary basis. The program offers African Area courses in a wide range of disciplines, including the fine arts, humanities, social sciences, and some professional fields. A concurrent degree program is also offered where students can work for the M.A. in African Studies and the Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) at the same time.

    Academic flexibility draws many students to the program.  Students have multiple options to design individual programs suited to their specific interests.

    According to a recent survey, 50% of the program graduates continue studying at the post-graduate level, about 20% are employed in higher education, and a significant percentage work in international or foreign organizations in numerous countries.

    During their time spent completing this program, students will also have the opportunity to present their work at the Annual International Institute Graduate Student Conference. With a transnational and interdisciplinary focus, African Studies M.A. students are provided a unique experience and a specially tailored forum in which to engage experts on their research.

  • People

    Students can click HERE for the African Studies MA Program Active Participant list of the faculty members who are eligible to be nominated to serve on students' committees.


    W. Harold Torrence, Chair, African Studies

    Hannah Appel, Ph.D., Anthropology, International Institute
    Andrew Apter, Ph.D., History, International Institute
    Stephanie Bosch Santana, Ph.D., Comparative Literature
    Sobukwe Odinga, Ph.D., African American Studies
    Edith Mukudi Omwami, Ph.D., Education
    Jemima Pierre, Ph.D., African American Studies
    Paula A. Tavrow, Ph.D., Community Health Sciences
    Dominic R. Thomas, Ph.D., European Languages and Transcultural Studies
    W. Harold Torrence, Ph.D., Linguistics
    Hollian Wint, Ph.D., History 
    Alden Young, Ph.D., African American Studies, International Institute

    Affiliated Faculty


    For 2023-2024 we will be offering virtual and in-person advising support.

    We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to read our FAQs and program websites. If you still have questions or concerns, you may contact us at (please include your name & UID).

    We strive to provide holistic and comprehensive support to our students through one-on-one advising, workshops, and events that focus on academic and professional planning, exploration of research, internship opportunities, and experiences abroad. 


    Yumi Kinoshita

    Academic Advisor

    Undergraduate Counselor


      Karina Barrera

       Undergraduate Advisor

    We can assist you with:

    • Major, pre-major, and minor questions and petitions to declare (I A STD & Global Health)
    • Educational planning and course sequencing
    • Course petitions and substitutions
    • DARS updates for major/minor
    • Enrollment questions for I A STD and Global Health courses
    • Contract courses (I A STD 195CE & 198A/B/C, GH 199)
    • Exploration of research, Departmental Honors, internship/career opportunities, and study abroad
    • Graduation checks

    Contact Us

    Please include your name and UID in all emails.

    Email us if you need accommodations for same day or outside office hours appointments.

    Undergraduate Advising:

     Graduate Advising: 

    Current UCLA undergraduate students can make an advising appointment with Karina at Academic Counseling - Barrera, Karina.

     If you're not a UCLA student, please e-mail us at the corresponding email as noted above.  

      Bunche Hall 10256 & 10254 (10th floor)

     Mailing Address:
    Academic Advisor
    UCLA International Institute Academic Programs
    Office of Academic Advising
    10256 Bunche Hall, Mail Code 148703
    Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487


    **To be featured in our weekly bulletin, please use our online request form.

    For other questions or concerns, please review the following information:

    Refer to your main Counseling Unit for questions about GE/IGETC Requirements, Course Add/Drop Petitions, Degree Plan Contracts, College-specific requirements, Holds, Grad Checks, Academic Probation status, Readmission, etc.

    Questions about registration, fees, classes, etc.

    Economic & Technological Resources

    General Information from UCLA



    First Year Students

     Thyra Cobbs

    Home state/city: California
    Undergraduate school and major: UCLA, B.A. in African American Studies, minor in History

    Research interests: Thyra's research interest is Pan-African Black Psychology with an emphasis on Black Historical Traumatology as well as Black Reparations advocacy within mental healthcare and higher education systems. She has a particular interest in the oppressive effect of European colonialism on the psychological well-being of Global Africans and the development of a Pan-African clinical intervention to address colonial mentality across the African Diaspora.

    Continuing Students

     Ajah Whitehead

    Home state/city: Long Beach, CA
    Undergraduate school and major: UC Santa Barbara, Global Studies (B.A.), minor in French and Translation Studies

    Research interests: Ajah is interested in researching political development in Francophone West Africa. More specifically--analyzing the potential applications of Pan-Africanist ideology in West African governance structures and leadership.

     Isis Fuller

    Home state/city: Oakland, CA
    Undergraduate school and major: Howard University, Biology (B.S.)

    Research interests: Culture and beliefs regarding reproductive health in East Africa and how education, access to resources, and policies can positively impact reproductive health and decision making.

     Tosin Attah

    Home state/city: Lagos, Nigeria
    Undergraduate school and major: BA in International Relations, King’s College London

    Research interests: Tosin's research interests include Pan Africanism, Post-independence development of African nations & their governance and the economic importance of Africa in the new world order.


    Recent Graduates

     DeDe DeDe

    Home state/city: Philadelphia, PA
    Undergraduate degree: African Studies/ World History

     Jordan Smith

    Home city/state: Compton, CA
    African-American Studies B.A., Anthropology B.S., UC Riverside

    Jordan’s research interests focus on Sociocultural and Medical Anthropology, with an emphasis on the history, migration patterns, health, mass incarceration, race and racism, and heritages concerning African and African Diasporic communities.

     Keyvon Pierre

    Home city/state: Los Angeles, CA
    Screenwriting BA, Loyola Marymount University 

    Keyvon is interested in exploring how African roots music influenced hip-hop and other Black American music. He is  interested in discovering more about African Film as well as African people before colonization to be able to teach an honest, accurate Black History course.

     Taylor Thomas

    Home state/city: Delaware
    St. John’s University; B.S in Biology with a minor in Chemistry

    Taylor is interested in establishing health initiatives in Africa, specifically centered around Women's and Adolescent health. Also, the exploitation of Africa and the implications this has on modern medicine and the healthcare system.

  • Degree Requirements

    For a complete outline of degree requirements, see "Program Requirements for UCLA Graduate Degrees" available

    on the Graduate Division homepage.




    All students have to complete the following requirements for the degree before they can be awarded the M.A. in African Studies:

    1. Core seminar African Studies 201A (Africa and Disciplines)

    2. At least eight additional courses (32 units minimum) distributed as follows: 

    - Five courses in student's area of concentration. Comprised of a minimum of five courses of which at least three must be at the graduate level (200+). The other two courses may be either graduate level or upper division undergraduate courses (100+). 

      - Three additional courses outside of major concentration area of which two must be at the graduate level.

    3. Language requirement

    In addition to minimum course requirements,  MAAS students are required to satisfy the African Area Studies Foreign Language Requirement before graduation by achieving elementary proficiency in an African Language.   European languages spoken in Africa  may be substituted by petition to the chair. The Program Language Requirement may be satisfied in any one of the following two ways:

    - Language Courses: take three courses (12 units) in a single  African Language or Arabic with an average of `B' or better (please note that language courses are not applied to the nine course requirement). Approved Summer Language or Intensive Language courses may also be substituted. 

    -Language Examination Demonstrate elementary proficiency in an examination with the African Languages Coordinator.

    4. Final project:  thesis or capstone project. 


    Disqualification from the Program

    Any recommendation of a student's disqualification from the African Area Studies Program will be made by the MAAS Program Chair and approved through Graduate Division. Disqualification may be recommended (though not necessarily automatic) for any of the following reasons:

    1. Failure of the student to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 throughout their time to degree.
    2. Failing to pass the Comprehensive Re-examination upon the second attempt.
    3. Insufficient progress toward the degree.
    4. Serious infractions of academic standards (such as plagiarism.)

    Please note: disqualifications are extremely rare but not unknown.

    A joint degree program with  the School of Public Health is available to students interested in pursuing M.A. and M.Ph. degrees concurrently.  Applicants are required to satisfy the admissions requirements of both programs and students must meet the requirements in both programs to be awarded the degree. 

    The M.A. in African Studies/M.Ph. program allows students to use a maximum of 8 quarter units of African Studies course work to be applied toward both the M.A. degree in African Studies and the M.Ph. degree through a pro forma petition to the Graduate Division.

    Applicants interested in this concurrent program should contact the African Studies program, and the Student Affairs Office, the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.


    UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
    Sukhwinder Sagoo, Admissions Officer
    School of Public Health
    16-071 Center for the Health Sciences (CHS)
    (310) 825-5524

    General inquires regarding the M.A. in African Studies should be addressed to:

    Yumi Kinoshita, Academic Advisor
    UCLA International Institute
    African Studies M.A. Program
    10256 Bunche Hall
    Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487
    Telephone: (310) 206-6571


    Schedule zoom meeting with the advisor here.  


    The Winter 2025 course list will be available by November 8, 2024. Thank you for your patience.

    UCLA Schedule of Classes 

    African Studies Fall 2024 Course List

    African Studies Spring 2024 Course List

    African Studies Winter 2024 Course List

    African Studies Fall 2023 Course List

    African Studies Spring 2023 Course List

    African Studies Winter 2023 Course List


    Graduate-level courses are numbered 200-299.

    Of the nine courses for the African Studies MA, at least five must be at the graduate level.

    Courses in the 300 series cannot be applied to the degree.

    400 level courses can be applied to the degree but as Electives and not as graduate courses.

    Maximum two 500 series courses are allowed for the degree.

    All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless they are in 500 series. The 500 series courses taken for S/U can be applied to the degree but only if the course has no letter grade option.

    Rules & Regulations

    Registration and Enrollment; Course Load

    Students are advised to remain aware of all campus deadlines applicable to registration and enrollment (which appear in the CALENDAR section of the UCLA Schedule of Classes). Failure to meet stipulated deadlines can result, at minimum, in the levying of late fees or other fines.

    For each quarter (Summer session excluded), all graduate students are required to be either:

    • registered and enrolled,
    • registered in absentia, or
    • on official leave of absence

    Students register by paying registration fees by the deadline. Students are advised to enroll in at least 12 units per quarter unless approval by the Faculty Advisor stipulates otherwise. An exception to this policy exists only for graduate students, near their time to degree, who may be eligible to pay a filing fee. Students should monitor their academic progress online via My.UCLA and always check their records for accuracy. Any discrepancy should be immediately brought to the attention of the relevant faculty member.

    Registration and Enrollment Procedure
    All students can access their UCLA Billing Statement online through My.UCLA which will alert them to all payment amounts due for each quarter (such as registration fees, fines, outstanding debts, financial awards, and refunds).

    ENROLLMENT for all courses may be done online through My.UCLA before the stipulated deadlines. Some courses (such as most graduate level seminars) may require that the student requests a Permission to Enroll number (or "PTE") from the appropriate instructor before enrolling in a course. More detailed information about this procedure is also available through various Campus publications and from the Coordinator of Student Affairs.

    A PROJECTED COURSE LIST for each academic quarter will be distributed to every student prior to the beginning of each academic term. Each quarterly list will indicate courses that may be applied to MA degree requirements. The Faculty Advisor must check and approve all courses. Approval for enrollment in courses not appearing on this list must be obtained from the Program Chair/Faculty Advisor.
    Course lists are always subject to change without prior notice and information (such as Course ID#s, class times & locations, and instructors) should always be verified by consulting the quarterly UCLA on line Schedule of Classes.

    Leave of Absence
    Students may formally petition to take a temporary LEAVE OF ABSENCE for one to three quarters during their graduate tenure. There is a maximum of three quarters of leave permitted to UCLA students. Leave of absence is not automatically granted and there must be a valid reason for the leave to be approved. Students are eligible for leave of absence only for one of the following reasons: outside employment, medical, parental obligations, other family obligations, military, emergency, financial hardship.
    Students on a leave of absence are not eligible for any financial assistance from the university and are not covered by the Graduate Students Health Insurance policy (GSHIP).

    Registration in Absentia
    A registered student can apply for Registration in Absentia when (s)he needs to conduct research outside of California. Student’s research has to be directly related to his/her degree program.
    For more information on the Leave of Absence and the Registration in absentia please click here.

    Registered students wishing to officially WITHDRAW from the Program are advised to notify Graduate Division via formal petition. Failure to do so can result in the seizure of the student's Transcripts and Official Records and/or legal action by the University.

    An "Incomplete" (appearing on the student transcript as an "I" rather than letter grade) indicates either that the student has not satisfied the minimum requirements for a given course or, alternatively (and rarely), indicates that the instructor (through prior agreement with the student) has allowed a temporary grade assignment of "Incomplete" to stand for one quarter and be immediately changed into a letter grade the following quarter (this typically occurs only with courses spanning more than a single quarter).
    Incomplete grades can become very serious!!! If the student fails to satisfy the required coursework by the end of the following quarter, the Incomplete Grade will revert to a Failing Grade of "F" (not easy to later remove from the student's transcript).
    In order to petition for any grade change or to remove an Incomplete grade, a form signed by the Chair/Faculty Advisor must be submitted to Graduate Division with a processing fee, supporting documentation, and an explanatory letter from the course instructor.

    Current fees are listed on the UCLA Graduate Division website . California residents are exempt from  Non-Resident Tuition. Non-California residency are encouraged to obtain California residency for tuition purposes as soon as possible. Students should contact the Academic Advisor for more information. International students are not eligible for California residency and should expect to pay the Non-Resident Tuition throughout their studies at UCLA.

    For more information on graduate studies rules and regulations please check the "Standards and Procedures for Graduate Study at UCLA".

    African Studies MA Degree Worksheet

    Division of Graduate Education (DGE) Language Petition

    Committee Nomination Forms

    Capstone Option

    African Studies MA Capstone Project Committee Nomination Form
    African Studies MA Capstone Project Guidelines
    African Studies MA Capstone Project Title Page
    African Studies MA Capstone Project Approval Form

    Thesis Option

    African Studies MA Thesis Committee Nomination Form
    DGE Thesis Committee Nomination Form

    DGE Master's Advancement to Candidacy Petition
    Please obtain your unofficial transcript (MyUCLA) and highlight courses you wish to count towards your course requirement. Email the ATC Petition form and your transcript to by the end of Week 2 of the graduating quarter (registered and enrolled). If students plan to petition for a filing fee quarter, students must have advanced to candidacy at least one quarter prior to the term of Filing Fee usage.

  • Funding Opportunities

    Graduate & Postdoctoral Extramural Support (GRAPES) Database - Search Form

    GRAPES is not a fellowship or scholarship, rather it is an extensive database created by UCLA to help graduate students search for funding opportunities from institutions all over the world. Graduate students in need of funding (from all disciplines) are encouraged to become very familiar with the GRAPES database, and to reference it regularly.   Funding opportunities stemming directly from UCLA are sometimes limited. With GRAPES, however, graduate students may search for hundreds of potential funding sources from many universities and institutions outside of UCLA.


    UCLA Funding Opportunities

    Graduate Opportunity Program (GOP) for Incoming Students
    This one-year fellowship program provides recipients with a stipend plus tuition (and nonresident supplemental tuition if necessary). The program supports a limited number of entering students pursuing either terminal or professional master's degrees.   Applicants must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or undocumented students who qualify for nonresident supplemental tuition exemptions under AB 540 (eligibility for undocumented AB540 students is effective January 1, 2013). The intent of this fellowship is to provide access to higher education for students who might otherwise find it difficult or impossible
    to successfully pursue graduate study.


    Sandra Mabritto Memorial Fellowship
    Merit based fellowship for incoming and continuing students, including international students. Amounts vary.

    Monica Salinas Summer Research Scholarship for continuing students.  Latin American Studies MA students and departmental scholars may apply for the scholarship to conduct research during the summer.  Applications available during the Winter quarter. 


    Teaching Assistantships
    Graduate students interested in teaching positions are encouraged to subscribe to the TA Marketplace group. Departments that need to fill TA vacancies post job announcements through that group. Students need to be registered in order to have access to the group announcements.


     Non-UCLA Fellowships

    Boren Fellowship

    Boren Fellowships provide funding for U.S. graduate students to study world regions critical to U.S. interests (including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East). The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded. The fellowship is available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents only.  Maximum awards for the Boren Fellowships are $30,000. In exchange for funding, recipients commit to working in the federal government for a minimum of one year. 


    Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program

    The U.S. Department of State funds about 600 students for summer language institutes abroad at various skill levels. CLS is a program of the U.S. Department of State and provides fully funded group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks for U.S. citizen graduate students. Scholars will complete language coursework as well meeting with a native speaker language partner. Languages offered: Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish, and Urdu. Language levels are classified as Beginning, Advanced Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced. The CLS Program provides undergraduate academic credit through Bryn Mawr College. Upon completion of the program, participants also receive a certified American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) score.


    Payne International Development Fellowship

    The Payne Fellowship is a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Program, administered by Howard University, which seeks to attract and prepare outstanding individuals for careers as USAID Foreign Service Officers. Candidates can be graduating seniors or college graduates with strong academic records and a desire to promote positive change in the world. The Payne program encourages the application of members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service and those with financial need. Selected fellows will receive support for graduate school and gain employment with USAID in an exciting rewarding career in the Foreign Service.  Applicants must have U.S. citizenship and be seeking admission to graduate school for a two-year program in an area of relevance to the Foreign Service at a U.S.-based institution. Up to $22,000 annually toward tuition, fees and living expenses for a two-year master’s degree in fields related to the Foreign Service such as development, economics, public administration, business administration, global health, agriculture, or environmental science at a U.S.-based institution.


    The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

    The purpose of the fellowship is to provide opportunities for continuing generations of able and accomplished New Americans to achieve leadership in their chosen field.  Application deadline is November 1st.





  • Admissions Information

    We are currently accepting applications for Fall 2025. Please review the below admissions requirements and watch the information session video. We will host a virtual drop-in Q&A on Wednesday, November 13 from 11 AM to 12 PM (PT) to answer questions that are not answered on our website and in the video. Zoom Meeting ID is 964 6449 1224 (Passcode 916922).


    Note that the African Studies graduate program offers a Master's degree (M.A.) only. There is no Ph.D. in African Studies offered at UCLA. 

    General admissions information, instructions about applying, and the online application for admission can be found at UCLA’s Graduate Division Website.

    The deadline to apply to the African Studies interdepartmental graduate program is December 1. All applicants must apply electronically for graduate admission. The applicants will be notified about the admission decision by mid-March. 

    The following materials are required components of the admission application:

        o UCLA Online Application

        o Statement of Purpose (Up to 500 words in length. Follow the UCLA Online Application instructions.). Your statement of purpose should describe academic, Africa-related and/or professional experience. Applicants may include information about their academic achievements and goals for study at UCLA.

        o Personal Statement (Up to 500 words in length. Follow the UCLA Online Application instructions.). Personal statement is an opportunity to provide additional information that may aid the admissions committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study at UCLA. It will also be used to consider candidates for the Graduate Opportunity Fellowship. Instructions are provided in the application as well, and scroll down to see some prompts here.

        o Writing Sample. A research paper or other writing sample that well demonstrates writing and analytical skills (10 pages maximum). The goal of the writing sample is to demonstrate your ability to write professionally and clearly. For that reason, the writing sample should be written in English.

        o Three Letters of Recommendation. Preferably from former or current professors or from other individuals who can attest to applicant's ability to succeed in graduate study. Letters should be uploaded via the online application system.

        o Transcript. An unofficial transcript may be uploaded via on-line admission application. If transcripts are not in English, an authorized translation has to be provided. Official transcript with degree award date is required upon admission to the program.

         TOEFL/IELTS is required for international applicants or domestic students who earned undergraduate degree outside of U.S.
    Applicants who hold a degree from a university located in U.S. or another country where English is both the primary spoken language of daily life and the language of instruction, or who have completed at least two years of full time study at such institution are not required to submit the scores. For more information and instructions, please review English Requirements page. The AS MA program office won't be able to assist if your TOEFL/IELTS score is not linking to the UCLA online application portal. Please contact your testing center.  

    Note that GRE is no longer required of applicants to the African Studies M.A. program. Students who apply to the joint M.A. African Studies/ M.PH. Public Health program may need to submit the scores with the application to the Public Health program. Please contact the School of Public Health admissions office for information.  

    Financial Assistance for Entering Students     

    - Graduate Opportunity Fellowship for Entering Students. Students submit application for the award along with the online application to the African Studies program. The fellowship offers fees, non-resident tuition (if applicable) and a stipend to qualified applicants.

    - African Studies Program Fellowship. Amounts vary. Application is not required. Students are awarded the fellowship based on merit during the application review process.

    -Information about tuition and fees can be found on the Registrar's Office website. Tuition and fees per term can be found here by selecting "Academic Master" for each of the three quarters (Fall, Winter and Spring).


    African Studies M.A. Program Inquiries:


    UCLA International Institute
    African Studies Graduate Admissions
    10256 Bunche Hall
    Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487 



    Admissions Information Session for Applicants who start in Fall 2025

    The links shared during the info session are available here.


  • Information for Incoming Students

    For students seeking housing near UCLA’s campus, there are a number of options provided by the university and by independent housing offices. Incoming students who have recently accepted an offer of admission will be contacted directly by the university via e-mail with details about how to apply for university housing. In general, most graduate students seeking university housing near campus will be competitive for housing agreements in the Weyburn Apartments.


    Weyburn Terrace Apartments for Graduate Students

    While university housing is not guaranteed, some students in the MA program are able to secure housing in the Weyburn Terrace Apartments next to campus. The Weyburn apartments are located right next to UCLA and are within walking distance of the main campus. In addition, a very convenient university bus route connects Weyburn to the university with shuttles arriving every few minutes.

    Weyburn offers individual studio housing and housing for students seeking a roommate. Furnished and unfurnished housing options are both available. For detailed information about rates for Weyburn Terrace housing, please click here.

    Parking is available for students who obtain housing in Weyburn Terrace. A parking permit for Weyburn may be applied for during the online application process.

    Student housing is not managed by the MA program, however. As stated above, students who have recently committed to UCLA will be contacted by the university directly with information about how to apply for housing.


    Other University Housing Options


    Non-University Housing Options

    There are many non-university housing options for students. Be wary of scams, do not click on links that look suspicious (especially in the comment sections). Please read Renters' Scam Alert published by UCLA Student Legal Services.

    Craigslist is an option for many students seeking housing near UCLA. Many UCLA students successfully find housing using websites such as Westside RentalsTrulia, and Zillow.


    Students often utilize Facebook Groups to connect with other students seeking housing in the area around Westwood. There are both private and public Facebook Groups, including "UCLA Housing and Roommate Search."

    The neighborhoods that are located in proximity to UCLA and have good bus connection to UCLA include:

    • Beverly Hills
    • Brentwood
    • Culver City
    • Mar Vista
    • Koreatown
    • Palms
    • Santa Monica
    • West Hollywood
    • West Los Angeles
    • Westwood

    Parking options

    A daily parking permit for on campus parking is $15.  

    Students may also apply for quarterly parking permits, known as orange permits.  Commuter permits only secure parking at on-campus locations. Detailed information concerning parking permits including deadlines to apply may be found here.  Parking rates for students can be found here.

    Public Transportation

    Students who find off-campus housing may also use the many convenient bus routes that connect UCLA to the greater LA area:

    • Students residing "South of Wilshire" may utilize the free Bruin Bus
    • Students residing in Culver City and Palms will find the Culver City Bus very accessible.
    • Students residing in Santa Monica, Mar Vista, West Hollywood may easily commute to campus by using the Big Blue Bus.
    • Los Angeles County Metro (bus and rail) allows students to commute from many other areas of Los Angeles.
    • You can use Metro Trip Planner to find the best bus connection when traveling around Los Angeles.

    The practicality of commuting to campus using city bus lines will be determined by the distance between the student’s housing and UCLA. While extremely affordable, some students may experience commutes of up to an hour in each direction to and from campus. Students are encouraged to consider all these factors while selecting appropriate housing.

    Obtaining California Residency for Tuition Purposes

    Out of state students can apply for California residency after completing their first year at UCLA. If approved, students will be able to pay the in-state tuition during their second or any subsequent year at UCLA. For more information, such as required documentation and deadlines to apply please visit the Registrar’s website.

    Please note that this information does not apply to international students.

  • Affiliated Research Centers

African Studies Students