A View from Ukraine: The War's Implications for Turkey and the Wider MENA Region

Join us for a discussion with Dr. Yevgeniya Gaber, a former Ukrainian government official and a leading expert on Turkey and the Middle East, as we explore the war's implications for Turkey and the neighboring region. The discussion will be followed by audience Q&A, moderated by Alan Makovsky, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC.

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A View from Ukraine: The War

Image Credit (left to right): Алесь Усцінаў, via Pexels; Getty Images Pro; Imad Alassiry, via Unsplash

Thursday, May 19, 2022
10:00 AM (Pacific Time)

Zoom Webinar

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The war in Ukraine is creating significant reverberations in the Middle East, economic as well as geopolitical. NATO member Turkey is a special case for several reasons, not least because of its close relations with both Ukraine and Russia and its fraught ties with the US and the West for the past several years. Join us for a discussion with Dr. Yevgeniya Gaber, a former Ukrainian government official and a leading expert on Turkey and the Middle East, as we explore the war’s implications for Turkey and the neighboring region. Until recently a foreign affairs advisor to Ukraine’s prime minister, and previously a diplomat representing Ukraine in Turkey, Dr. Gaber brings a unique perspective to the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian response, and the resulting dynamics in Black Sea states and the Middle East. The discussion will be followed by audience Q&A, moderated by Alan Makovsky, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC.


PRESENTER— Dr. Yevgeniya Gaber is a Ukrainian foreign policy expert and a non-resident senior fellow at the Center in Modern Turkish Studies, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University. Prior to this, she worked as a Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine (2021), Deputy Director of the Diplomatic Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (2018-2020), and political officer in the Embassy of Ukraine in Ankara (2014-2018). In her research, she focuses on the Black Sea regional security as well as foreign policies of Ukraine, Russia, and Turkey. She has published widely on her areas of expertise, including academic journals and the media.


MODERATOR— Alan Makovsky is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a private think-tank in Washington, DC. From 2001 to 2013, he served as a senior professional staff member (Democrat) on the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the US House of Representatives, where he covered the Middle East and Turkey. Prior, Makovsky worked at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy from 1994 to 2001, a private think-tank where he wrote on Middle Eastern and Turkish topics and founded the Institute’s Turkey Research Program. He also worked at the State Department from 1983 to 1994, as an analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, as political advisor to Operation Provide Comfort in 1992, and as special advisor to the Special Middle East Coordinator from 1993 to 1994.



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Duration: 01:32:26

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Duration: 01:32:26


Sponsor(s): Center for Middle East Development, Center for European and Russian Studies, Department of Public Policy