On the Importance of Centering Erased Black and Afro Iranian Histories from Iran and the Diaspora (Panel in Persian)

Panel discussion with the Collective for Black Iranians

On the Importance of Centering Erased Black and Afro Iranian Histories from Iran and the Diaspora (Panel in Persian)

(c) CollectiveforBlackIranians/SaharGhorishi (cropped)

Please join the UCLA Program of Iranian Studies and the UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies for a discussion centering the importance of storytelling and the point of view-two guiding principles in the Collective for Black Iranians’ work. Discover how the Collective creatively and critically deconstruct the way we see ourselves as Iranians and invite us to step into a culture that also stands at its Black and African intersections.

About the Collective

The Collective was founded out of the necessity to be seen, heard, and understood Through public education, storytelling, and advocacy, the Collective shares its stories of belonging to the intersections of being Black, Iranian and African/of African descent. Founding members: Alex Eskandarkhah; Priscillia Kounkou-Hoveyda; Pardis Nkoy; as well as resident historian, Beeta Baghoolizadeh; and other resident artists will be joining the panel for a global discussion of the work of the Collective, the importance of sharing memories of belonging, and stories of being Black, Iranian, and of African descent, as well as contributing to the larger narrative of what it means to be who we are.

Panel in Persian

Click here for event website.

Sponsor(s): Center for Near Eastern Studies, Iranian Studies, Amuzegar Chair in Iranian Studies, Musa Sabi Term Chair of Iranian Studies