With support from the U.S. Department of Education, these grants are designed to support professional development and innovative language curriculum.
Awards consist of up to $500 in travel funds
Due to the international public health crisis caused by the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), UCLA has suspended all nonessential international and domestic travel for the foreseeable future. Because of this, the travel grants are currently on hold and we will not accept applications at this time. We look forward to being able to offer this opportunity in the future.
All elements of the travel grant application are online and must be submitted by the advertised deadline. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered for funding. Any elements to be uploaded should be in PDF format, with the file extension appended. Application elements include:
1. Professional development statement (no more than 1 page). Describe how your participation will allow you to:
a. Implement new pedagogical strategies or generate innovative approaches to language teaching.
b. Engage and inform students to better prepare them for careers including government service, business, the non-profit sector, and academia.
c. Advance language instruction and knowledge of MENA societies, histories, or cultures.
2. Itemized budget: documented estimate for travel may include lodging, ground transportation, meals, and airfare (include actual itinerary and quote from an airline or travel website). Please note that the use of funds for international travel requires at least 45 days advanced approval and must comply with the Fly America Act.
• CNES travel grants may only be used to cover costs including airfare, conference registration fees, accommodation/hotel costs, and ground transportation costs, and meals (up to university approved limits).
• Grantees will be reimbursed for travel after the trip is complete and will not receive travel funds in advance of the conference. Allow three (3) weeks of processing time once you have submitted complete items below. If items are incomplete or if original receipts are not submitted or itemized, then it can significantly delay the reimbursement process.
• Once travel has been completed, grantees must submit original, itemized receipts showing proof of payment (e.g. e-ticket or passenger receipt or invoice with form of payment clearly indicated, itemized hotel invoice). If payment information is not listed on the receipt please submit a redacted credit card statement with conference cost highlighted.
• Grant information, application procedures, and submitted reimbursement materials to:
Johanna Romero, CNES Program Manager, via email: romero@international.ucla.edu