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Tuesday, February 18, 202512:15 PM - 1:30 PM (Pacific Time)Room 1420, UCLA School of Lawmore
Wednesday, February 19, 20259:30 AM - 10:45 AMKaplan Hall, Rm A51more
Wednesday, February 19, 20253:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)Ostin Ensemble Room 110Amore
Tuesday, February 25, 20253:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)Royce Hall 306more
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CCS Scholars Forum (2)
CCS Teach-In: The Hong Kong Protest Movement in Perspective
Michael Berry has received a 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship in translation. The award follows a tumultuous, but very productive, last three years. more
In a lecture at the Center for Chinese Studies, anthropologist Biao Xiang said the sense of powerlessness felt by young Chinese today is curiously similar to that felt by the young generation in China before the 1980s, when the reforms that transformed the country into an economic powerhouse were first introduced. more
Fellowships for UCLA Ph.D. students' doctoral research addressing contemporary social issues in Chinamore
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