Image for Armenian Genocide Memorial, Yerevan, Armenia
Armenian Genocide Memorial, Yerevan, Armenia. Photo by Amir Kh on Unsplash
Image for Khor & Ararat
Image for Tsitsernakaberd
Tsitsernakaberd. Photo by A P on Unsplash
Image for Armenian Genocide Map
Armenian Genocide Map. Sémhur, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Image for Photos from Armenian Genocide Looted Art and Restitution Conference
Participants of the Armenian Genocide Looted Art and Restitution conference at UCLA on Saturday, February 10, 2024.

The Armenian Genocide Research Program of the Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA

The Armenian Genocide Research Program (AGRP) was established within the Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA in early 2022. Led by Taner Akçam, Ph.D., the AGRP engages in research and scholarly activities pertaining to the study of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire during the early 20th century.

Below is a collection of articles, transcripts, videos, and media coverage of Dr. Akcam's speaking engagements. 


Transcripts and Media Coverage

AGBU Hye Geen TV Interview (June 28, 2024) 

Open Letter to University of Pennsylvania Administrators: Request for Reconsideration of Disbanding the Gaza Solidarity Camp (April 30, 2024)

Princeton Armenian Society hosts first Turkish scholar to acknowledge Armenian genocide - The Daily Princetonian (April 26, 2024)

Taner Akçam Speaks on Armenian RestitutionThe Armenian-Mirror Spectator (April 16, 2024); Click here for a transcript of the lecture

Historian Taner Akcam: “If Turkey wants to create a democratic society, it must recognize the Armenian Genocide” - Interview with the Armenian Museum of Moscow about Dr. Akcam's new book, "The Hundred Years of Apartheid," the blockade of Artsakh and why Turkey should become a democratic country - January 31, 2024. 

Possibilities of Creating a Post-Recognition Armenian Reparations Movement - Opening remarks, "What's Next?: Armenian Genocide Restitution in the Post-Recognition Era" Conference - March 25, 2023 (click here for more information)

Goals of the Promise Institute Armenian Genocide Research Program - July 14, 2022 (click here for more information)

Armenian Genocide remembrance events held in Providence, R.I. with Dr. Taner Akcam - The Armenian Weekly (May 3, 2023)


Killing Orders: Talat Pasha's Telegrams and the Armenian Genocide

(On June 14, 2018, the American University of Armenia (AUA)’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences hosted Dr. Taner Akçam, who delivered a public lecture on Turkish denialism of the Armenian Genocide and the killing orders in Ottoman Interior Minister Talat Pasha’s telegrams.)


A Look Back, A Look Ahead: A Conversation with Prof. Taner Akcam

(On April 12, 2022 Dr. Taner Akçam engaged in a conversation with NAASR Academic Director Marc A. Mamigonian about the evolution of Akçam’s work, the history and development of Armenian genocide studies, the challenges facing the field, and his plans for the future in his new role as the inaugural director of the Armenian Genocide Research Program at UCLA.)


1923-2023: Reflecting on a New Republic in its Centennial

(On December 17, 2022, Dr. Taner Akçam spoke in a Zoom panel discussion about the founding premises of the Turkish Republic and the ways in which it created structural inequalities. Dr. Akçam spoke about the significance of rethinking Turkey in 2023 on the centennial of its founding, as well as its connection to New York Times Magazine’s The 1619 Project.)


Dr. Taner Akcam: Evaluating the Centennial of the Republic and Democracy

(Dr. Taner Akçam engaged in a conversation with freelance journalist Ezo Özer about the denial of the Armenian genocide and the nature of democracy and human rights in Turkey. In the first part of the interview, Dr. Akçam detailed the primary reasons for Turkish denial of the Armenian genocide. In the second part, he attributed factors such as the historic exclusion of Christian groups (i.e. Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Kurdish Alevis) from being considered equal Turkish citizens to inequalities embedded in Turkey’s founding in 1923. Dr. Akçam stressed the need for a new Turkish origin story that includes the persecutions, deportations, and massacres of different ethnic-religious groups.)


Part 1: Why is the Armenian genocide so persistently denied?


Part 2: This state is built on destroying its own citizens



January 5, 2023: A Conversation with Turkish Activists on Hrant Dink's Assassination and the Necessity for a New Republic



Liberation and Establishment: Interview with Dr. Taner Akcam by Aris Nalci (ArtiGercekTV)

(In a January 8, 2023 interview with journalist Aris Nalci, Dr. Taner Akçam discussed the founding premises of Turkey and how they created a basis for enduring structural inequalities.)


Coordinating Council of Armenian Associations of the Côte d'Azur Conference featuring Dr. Taner Akçam - December 13, 2023

Promoting understanding of Armenian history - Conference by Dr. Taner Akçam featuring his book, One Hundred Years of Apartheid. 


Interview with Dr. Taner Akçam with Brigitte Leloire Kérackian for Radio Armenia - December 14, 2023



Top-Down and Local Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Role of Security Concerns and a Century of "Accumulated Experience" by Taner Akcam. Published online: September 25, 2022

When Was the Decision of Annihilate the Armenians Taken? by Taner Akcam. Published online: July 17, 2019

Archives & Projects

Image for Assyrian Genocide (Seyfo) Oral History Project

Assyrian Genocide (Seyfo) Oral History Project

The Assyrian Genocide (Seyfo) Oral History Project is co-led by the Armenian Genocide Research Program within the Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA...
Image for Krikor Guerguerian Archive

Krikor Guerguerian Archive

The Krikor Guerguerian Archive consists of documents collected by Guerguerian throughout his life, starting from the 1930s until his death in 1988....
Image for Vahakn N. Dadrian Archive Project

Vahakn N. Dadrian Archive Project

Professor Vahakn N. Dadrian (1926–2019) was a preeminent scholar of the Armenian Genocide and instrumental in establishing the larger field of genocide...


Image for Taner Akçam
Taner Akçam

Inaugural Director, Armenian Genocide Research Program

Image for Nanor Hartounian
Nanor Hartounian

Program Coordinator, Armenian Genocide Research Program


Image for The United States and the Armenian Genocide: History, Memory, Politics

The United States and the Armenian Genocide: History, Memory, Politics

This is a hybrid book talk by Julien Zarifian, Ph.D, Professor in U.S. History and... more
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Image for Ottoman Passports: Security and Geographic Mobility, 1876-1908

Ottoman Passports: Security and Geographic Mobility, 1876-1908

Hybrid lecture by İlkay Yılmaz, Ph.D., a DFG (German Research Foundation) funded research associate at... more
Monday, November 4, 2024
Image for Announcement of the Vahakn N. Dadrian Archive Project

Announcement of the Vahakn N. Dadrian Archive Project

Webinar to announce the launch of the Vahakn N. Dadrian Archive Project, which is co-led... more
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Image for The Right of the First Night and Sexual Violence Against Armenian Women in the 19th Century

The Right of the First Night and Sexual Violence Against Armenian Women in the 19th Century

Hybrid lecture by Dr. Anna Aleksanyan, the Armenian Genocide Research Program's 2023-24 Postdoctoral Fellow. This... more
Monday, April 29, 2024
Image for Imagining the Past: Atrocity, Trauma and the Armenian Genocide

Imagining the Past: Atrocity, Trauma and the Armenian Genocide

Promise Armenian Institute Distinguished Lecture Series presenting Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and author Peter Balakian. more
Thursday, April 18, 2024
5 records found.

Recent News

Image for Release of Documentary on Armenian Genocide Looted Art and Restitution

Release of Documentary on Armenian Genocide Looted Art and Restitution

The film explores questions about the possibilities of creating an Armenian genocide reparation movement post-recognition,... more
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Image for Vahakn N. Dadrian Archive Project

Vahakn N. Dadrian Archive Project

The Ararat-Eskijian Museum Research Center (AEMRC) and the Armenian Genocide Research Program (AGRP) within the... more
Friday, February 23, 2024
Image for Dersim 1937-38 Tertele Oral History Project

Dersim 1937-38 Tertele Oral History Project

Over 350 oral history interviews with survivors of the 1937-38 Dersim genocide transferred to Shoah... more
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Image for PAI Year-End Newsletter for 2022

PAI Year-End Newsletter for 2022

As 2022 draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to reflect... more
Friday, December 16, 2022
9 Records Found
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