Minh-E Lau, Class of 2023
Winner - Steiner Scholarship from the Asia Pacific Center
Thesis: Chinese Immigrant Food Entrepreneurship as a Means of Cultural Preservation and Integration in the Disparate Institutional Contexts of Singapore and Los Angeles
Vanessa Young, Class of 2019
Winner - 2019 Global Studies Senior Thesis Award
Thesis: Evaluating the Impact of Economic Globalization on Political Polarization: The Electoral Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis in Latin America
Madeleine Ainslie, Class of 2019
Honorable Mention - 2019 Global Studies Senior Thesis Award
Thesis: Migration and Terrorism in Contemporary Europe
Brittany Eshelman, Class of 2019
Honorable Mention - 2019 Global Studies Senior Thesis Award
Thesis: From College Campuses to Twitter: An Analysis of Consumer Pressure on the Apparel Industry
Jenny Argueta, Class of 2018
Thesis: The Central African Republic Integration to the Global Economy: Globalism or Neocolonialism?
Susan Bean, Class of 2018
Thesis: Urban Agriculture: Greening the City and Combating the Food Insecurity
Paniz Arab, Class of 2017
Thesis: The Iranian Tourism Market and the Impact of Global Visual Social Media
Kimberly Grano, Class of 2015
Thesis: Friends of the Court: An Analysis of the Impact of Non-Governmental Organizations at the International Criminal Court

Kaitlin Highstreet, Class of 2015
Thesis: Transboundary Protected Areas: Promise and Peril

Caley Moffatt, Class of 2014
Thesis: A State of Double Unbelonging: French Film and the Question of Beur Integration in France

Jennifer Patton, Class of 2011
Thesis: Insecurity for the Underdeveloped World: Monopolization of Violence and the New Wars in an Era of Globalization

Mustafa Abudl-Hamid, Class of 2010
Thesis: The Kryptonite of Soft Power: Evaluating Soft Power as an Adjust to National Security Strategy Through the Lens of Public Diplomacy
Andrew Bertolli, Class of 2009
Thesis: Globalization of the Wine Industry
Aviva Altmann, Class of 2007
Thesis: An Institutional Approach to Human Rights: Comparing the United Nations and Amnesty International