Fourth Heritage Language Research Institute

Heritage Speakers: Linguistics and Pedagogy


June 21 - 25, 2010
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Directed by: Professor Maria Polinsky (Harvard)

The cornerstone project for the National Heritage Language Resource Center is an annual research institute, established to support the center's principal mission of developing the research base for heritage language education.

The Center invites applications to participate in the 4th Summer Heritage Language Research Institute, “Heritage Speakers: Linguistics and Pedagogy” directed by Professor Maria Polinsky (Harvard).

This year’s institute focuses on current linguistic research and the implications for heritage language instruction. It is co-hosted by the National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of Hawaii, the location of the 2010 institute.

Applications are invited from linguists, language instructors, post-doctoral fellows, and doctoral students currently actively involved in heritage teaching and research. Limited funding will be available for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows only.