Center for the Study of International Migration
The UCLA Center for the Study of International Migration seeks to foster research and instruction on international migration. In our view, the study of migration is like the process of migration itself: an activity that cuts across boundaries, in this case intellectual, and therefore one best pursued by drawing insights and methods from a variety of disciplines.
We run an interdisciplinary speaker series, featuring bi-weekly talks on a wide range of migration-related topics, with presentations from U.S. and international scholars as well as panels including activists and policy makers and policy analysts. We organize workshops and conferences bringing together scholars from diverse disciplines for focused discussion of such issues as migration and politics; the migration industry; immigration and childhood; migration and its impact on countries of emigration.
We also serve as a point of connection for instruction at both graduate and undergraduate instruction. Our events provide an opportunity for students to reach out to mentors beyond their home department while also furnishing the occasion small group or one to one conversation with the prominent scholars we bring to campus. Through this website, we also hope to serve as a clearinghouse for information regarding migration-related courses and resources at UCLA and elsewhere.