Photo by Jacob Rosen. (Cropped)
Photo by Clint Sharp. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 (Cropped)
Photo by Kihong Kim. CC BY-NC 2.0 (Cropped)
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Thursday, March 27, 202511:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday, April 3, 20254:00 PM
Saturday, April 5, 20257:00 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2025Academy Museum of Motion Pictures
Thursday, March 27, 202511:00 AM - 12:00 PM10383 Bunche Hall (10th floor)
Thursday, April 3, 20254:00 PMYoung Research Library (YRL), Main Conference Room (1st floor)
Saturday, April 5, 20257:00 PMRoyce Hall
Friday, April 11, 20251:00 PMBunche Hall, Rm 10383
Friday, April 11, 20254:00 PM - 5:30 PMYoung Research Library, Special Collections classroom (Level A, basement)
Tuesday, April 22, 20254:00 PMBunche Hall, Rm 10383
Monday, April 28, 20255:00 PMBunche Hall, Rm 10383
Tuesday, May 27, 20255:00 PMWebinar
Professor Sixiang Wang in Department of Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC) won the 2024 UC Berkeley Hong Yung Lee Book Award in Korean Studies.
Published: Wednesday, November 20, 2024
The Center for Korean Studies conferred its first awards for creative student projects related to “comfort women” in late May. The annual competition seeks to educate the UCLA community about the history and impact of the sexual slavery of women who were forced to work in Japanese Army brothels during World War II.
Published: Thursday, June 8, 2023
New Grant
The Center for Korean Studies receives grant for "Koreans in the World" project.
Student Support
The Korean Studies Conference Support Grant supports UCLA Ph.D. students to present Korean studies-related research at academic conferences and events.
Study abroad opportunity
The Center for Korean Studies will be selecting nine undergraduate students to participate in the Korea University International Summer Campus program this summer with tuition waiver and housing. Application Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025.
Each year, the UCLA Center for Korean Studies welcomes scholars from universities and institutions throughout the world, who are drawn to UCLA for its dynamic research environment.
The IUC (Inter-University Center) for Korean Language Studies at SKKU is an advanced Korean language for academic researchers, graduate students, and prospective researchers in Korean Studies as well as related professionals.
Student Contest
Through this creative project contest, CKS aims to educate the UCLA community on ongoing issues pertaining to "comfort women" from Korea, Taiwan, China, the Philippines, and elsewhere, who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army during the Pacific War.
The 'John Duncan Fellowship in Korean Studies' Fund will support graduate and undergraduate students in Korean Studies at UCLA.
Legal Fight Over Century-Old Korean Papers Found in L.A. EndsFor more than a decade, 15,000 to 16,000 pages of documents that chronicle the very early years of Korean immigration to California have been in limbo.
'한국학' 연구하는 외국인 학자들'한국학' 연구하는 외국인 학자들
UCLA-USC 한국학연구소 교류사업미주 중앙일보 03/13/2014
방향감각 잃은 한국 기독교…역사에 길 물어야Korea Daily
미국내 최대 한국학 프로그램 남미전파 징검다리 구실 동아 No.900 | 2013/8/20
Global Voices: Pleas for Korean peace 60 years after fighting endedThe Liems, the filmakers of the documentary films ,"Memory of Forgotten War" and "The Woman, the Orphan, and the Tiger," discussed their film and their hopes for the May 8-10 UCLA conference in an interview with The Times.
[책과 지식] 새로 읽는 조선
수수께끼 매달려 10년간 연구5일 개막 게티 뮤지엄' 루벤스전'기획.
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