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Uri Dorchin


Visiting Assistant Professor, 2019-2020
Email: dorchin@international.ucla.edu

Uri Dorchin is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Behavioral Sciences at the Academic College in Zefat, Israel and Visiting Assistant Professor at the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies for the 2019-20 academic year. In 2018-19, Dorchin served as the Israel Institute Visiting Assistant Professor at the Nazarian Center.


This year, Prof. Dorchin will teach several courses, including "Popular Jewish and Israeli Music" in the Dept. of Musicology;"Popular Culture and Social Debates in Israel" in the Dept. of Anthropology; and "Modern Israel: Society, Politics and Culture" in the Dept. of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures. 


He previously held the Efroymson Fellowship for Visiting Israeli Scholars in the department of Jewish, Islamic and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (JINELC) at Washington University in St. Louis. Dorchin received his Ph.D. in Sociology and Anthropology from Ben Gurion University of the Negev in 2009.


Dorchin’s research explores cosmopolitan cultural interactions and the implications of these in contemporary Israeli society. More specifically, his work calls attention to the significance of popular culture and mass media to fluid affiliations among Israelis (citizens and non-citizens) across national, ethnic, and racial categories of belonging. His recent research has focused on Israeli rap and hip hop music.


He is the author of the book Real Time: Hip-Hop in Israel/ Israeli Hip Hop (Tel Aviv: Resling, in Hebrew) and numerous articles, including “Flowing Beyond Sectarian Ethno-politics: Ethnography of Jewish and Arab Rap in Israel" (Ethnopolitics, 2017), “Authorship, Subjectivity and Resistance in the Mainstream: A Lesson from Israeli Rap", (European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2017) and “Afrovision: Rehearsing Diasporic Africanism in a Tel Aviv Nightclub" (African and Black Diaspora, forthcoming). Additionally, he edited Blackness in Israel: Rethinking Racial Boundaries (Routledge African Series, 2020) with Gabriella Djerrahian.