Join us for our second annual Israel education day for the community covering Israeli politics, economics, history and the arts.
Sunday, March 10, 20139:30 AM - 4:15 PMUCLA CampusFaculty CenterLos Angeles, CA 90095
Between Regional Turmoil and Domestic Discord: Which Way Forward for Israel?
Israel, American Jewry, and American Foreign Policy: Tension in the 'Special Relationship'?
Music: Modern Music in an Ancient Land
History: The Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Econ: Recent Developments in the Israeli Economy
Art: The Myth and Model of the 'Sabra' in Israeli Visual Culture
Natasha Mozgovaya, Chief US Correspondent for Ha'aretz, Israel's Leading Newspaper, 2008-2012
"The Israeli Elections: Deepening the Divide or Renewing the Social Contract?"
Note: The lunch buffet will include fish and vegetarian options
Program Free and Open to the Public with RSVP
Luncheon with Keynote Address: $36 per person; $20 Student with valid I.D (Advance payment required)
RSVP notice: Your course selections are requested in order to help with our planning; however, you will be able to change your selections at the One Day University.