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Isaac Herzog on Israel and the American Jewish Community: The State of the Relationship

Harry C. Sigman Distinguished Lecture in Israel Studies

Photo for Isaac Herzog on Israel and...

Photo credit: Elad Brami/Wikipedia.com CC BY SA 4.0

Isaac Herzog, Chairman of The Jewish Agency for Israel, will present the inaugural Harry C. Sigman Distinguished Lecture in Israel Studies, followed by a conversation with Professor Dov Waxman, Director of the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM
Korn Convocation Hall, UCLA Anderson School
110 Westwood Plaza, Room C314
Los Angeles, CA 90095
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About the Event

Isaac Herzog will share his insights on the relationship between Israel and American Jewry, including various factors affecting this relationship and the challenges it currently faces. Among these factors are the different perspectives on religion and faith, the impact of contemporary political disputes, and the threat from rising nationalism and anti-Semitism. Herzog will discuss the deep changes occurring within every sector of Israeli society, the need to increase mutual knowledge and understanding, and the importance of the Jewish diaspora to the future of the State of Israel.

His presentation will be followed by a conversation with Professor Dov Waxman, Director of the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies, and audience Q&A.  


About the Speaker

Isaac Herzog was appointed Chairman of the Executive of The Jewish Agency for Israel in June 2018. He succeeded Natan Sharansky as Chairman of this historic and influential organization. Before entering his position at The Jewish Agency, Herzog served as Member of Knesset (Israel’s Parliament) since 2003. He served as the Chairman of the Israeli Labor Party, as well as the Knesset Opposition Leader.

In 2015, Herzog was a front-runner to win the election for Israel’s Prime Minister. He led the alliance between the Labor Party and the Hatnua Party to create Israel’s largest center-left political party, and was the leading candidate to unseat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanynaahu in the national elections.

Over the past 15 years, Herzog has held several Ministerial posts: Minister of Housing and Construction; Minister of Tourism; Minister of Diaspora Affairs, Society and the Fight Against Anti-Semitism; Minister of Welfare and Social Services, as well as Member of the Security Cabinet. He also served as Government Secretary and as the Government of Israel Coordinator for the provision of humanitarian aid to Gaza in 2008-2009.

Prior to entering politics, Herzog was a senior partner at the law firm of Herzog, Fox & Ne’eman. He is the son of the sixth President of Israel Chaim Herzog, grandson of Israel's first Chief Rabbi, Yitzhak Isaac HaLevi Herzog, and nephew of Israel's former Foreign Minister Abba Eban.


About the Harry C. Sigman Distinguished Lecture in Israel Studies  

The lecture series is named for the late Harry C. Sigman, a longtime Los Angeles attorney, UCLA alumnus, and generous supporter of the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies. The series was created through a major endowment gift from Mr. Sigman’s estate and supports public presentations by leading experts on a range of Israel-related topics, as part of the program of the Nazarian Center. 

Sigman specialized in U.S. and international commercial law. He worked as a consultant to governments and NGOs all over the world and had represented the United States at the United Nations, The Hague and Unidroit (the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law) in multilateral commercial law treaty negotiations. He also taught law at the University of Southern California, UCLA and universities around the world, including in Israel.

Sigman earned his undergraduate degree from UCLA and completed his law degree at Harvard University. He was a member of the State Bar of California for more than 50 years.

Sponsor(s): Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for Israel Studies, UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies, Hillel at UCLA, and the Sady and Ludwig Kahn Chair in Jewish History.