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Israel After October 7

Haaretz–UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center 2024 Conference

March 17, 2024, 9:00am - 1:00pm Pacific Time

The Hamas assault on Israel on October 7 and the war it triggered in Gaza—by far the most deadly conflict between Israel and the Palestinians since 1948—are seismic shocks whose impact is yet to be fully understood. What's already clear is that the magnitude of these events will have major, long-term repercussions for Israel's foreign relations, Israeli–Palestinian relations, Jewish communities worldwide, and Israel's domestic politics and societal relations.


This conference explores these repercussions, offering insights and analyses from a wide range of speakers. Going beyond the news of the day, the conference provides viewers from around the world with a much-needed comprehensive, yet nuanced, understanding of how the October 7 attack and resulting war have profoundly changed Israel and its critical relationships in an unprecedented fashion.


Opening Remarks


Dov Waxman: The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation Professor of Israel Studies and Director of the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies

Aluf Benn: Haaretz Editor-in-Chief




Session I: The Impact of October 7 on Israeli–Palestinian Relations


Major General (res.) Yair GolanFormer IDF Deputy Chief of Staff and currently running for leadership of Israel's Labour Party—in conversation with Hilo Glazer, Haaretz Weekend Magazine journalist 


Panel Discussion

Hussein Ibish: Senior Resident Scholar, Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (AGSIW)

Dr. Rula Hardal: Political scientist, research fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, and Co-Director of A Land For All: Two States, One Homeland

Anat Saragusti: Israeli journalist and commentator

Chuck Freilich: Former Deputy National Security Adviser in Israel now senior fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv 

Netta Ahituv (moderator)Haaretz journalist




Session II: The Impact of October 7 on Israel's Foreign Relations


Thomas Friedman, The New York Times Foreign Affairs Columnist in conversation with Haaretz Editor-in-Chief, Aluf Benn


Panel Discussion

Ahmed Maher: Senior political editor at Al Majalla

Yael German: Former Health Minister and former Israeli ambassador to France

Alon Pinkas: Haaretz senior writer 

Dr. Nimrod Goren: Senior fellow at the Middle East Institute & President of the Mitvim Institute

Esther Solomon (moderator): Editor-in-Chief of Haaretz English




Session III: The Impact of October 7 on Israeli Society and Politics


Major General (ret.) Noam Tibon—Former Commander of the IDF Northern Formation—and Haaretz Diplomatic Correspondent Amir Tibon in conversation with Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Haaretz English, Maya Lecker


Panel Discussion

Ahmad Tibi: Knesset member and Co-Chairman of Hadash-Ta'al party

Maoz Inon: Peace Entrepreneur

Moran Zer Katzenstein: Founder of the Bonot Alternativa (Building an Alternative) women's movement

Ravit Hecht: Haaretz political analyst

Allison Kaplan Sommer (moderator): Haaretz journalist and host of the Haaretz podcast




Session IV: The Impact of October 7 on Israel–Diaspora Relations 


Panel Discussion

Joshua Leifer: Author of the forthcoming book Tablets Shattered: The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life

Emily Tamkin: Journalist and author of Bad Jews: A History of American Jewish Politics and Identities

Rabbi Gesa S. Ederberg: Rabbi to the Jewish communities of Berlin and Masorti Germany

Jonathan Freedland: The Guardian columnist and co-host of the Unholy podcast

Judy Maltz (moderator): Haaretz's New York and Jewish World Correspondent


Closing Remarks

Dov Waxman: The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation Professor of Israel Studies and Director of the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies



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This conference was organized by the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies and Haaretz newspaper—Israel's oldest, continuously-published newspaper.



DISCLAIMER: The views or opinions of our guest speakers and the content of their presentations do not necessarily reflect the views of the UCLA Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for Israel Studies. Hosting speakers does not constitute an endorsement of the speaker's views or opinions.